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Nate [11]

I hated planes. I always found it so hard to sleep, so hard to move so hard to pee I'm pretty sure breathing was twice as hard in a plane.

I sat awake wondering what the hell I was going to do. We were on our way to play Chicago on Tuesday and La on Wednesday. The people that made game schedules obviously didn't consider flight times.

Back to the point. I didn't know what to do, with Jesse that is. She was quickly becoming one of my best friends and I'd only know her a month. Christ I had nearly kissed her yesterday I wanted to kiss her only she didn't want to kiss me.

She was everything and I hated road trips now because I had to leave her behind although I'm sure she will come on one soon.

"What's up man, you've been staring at your tv for the last half hour" Looch mumbled running the sleep from his eyes as he tried to get some sleep.

"There's nothing on my screen" I told him.

"Exactly the problem, what's up?" He asked again and sat up.

" I'm not sure dude I just don't know anymore"

"Her?" He asked and I nodded.

"I knew you would"

"I'm not saying I am"

"But you are"

"Oh shut up Looch" I stood on his foot.

I turned towards the window and tried to sleep for the reminder of the flight. We reached the airport exhausted after a long flight. After being ushered through too the bus. We arrived at the hotel and assigned our rooms. As usual I had a room with Looch.

"Who else we rooming with?" I asked as we walked the corridor.

"I dunno wait and see impatient". Looch scanned the key card and we stepped inside.

"Well well well"

"Pevs my man been a while since we roomed with you" I laughed.

"Well Pie face wanted to stay with Marshy apparently he feels like he's missing out" he shrugged.

"Poor Pevs you gettin old buddy" Looch mocked

"Yeah I think I am" he rubbed his head picking up his bag throwing it in the corner.

I took of my suit and hung it in the closet for when we flew out tomorrow and changed into a pair of sweat pants and a Tshirt.

"Is this Nathan Horton actually looking relaxed" Pevs said takin of his suit.

"Happens you know" I smiled laying on the bed putting my arms behind my head.

"Let's so for supper" Marshy announced storming in.

"Yes come on in" I muttered.

"Why thanks for the invite Horty, be in the restaurant see you in a few" and he bounded out the door again.

"How's he have so much energy" I mumbled

"He's Marshy he's the energizer bunny on steroids" Pevs said.

"You coming" looch asked as him and Pevs slipped on sneakers.

"Nah thanks ill just chill here" I said as I stretched out. He nodded and the pair left. I liked the quiet sometimes just to be completely alone with no one.

With such a constraining and busy lifestyle sitting back and doing nothing didn't factor in very well.

The next day at morning practice we organized lines finalized shifts and did two on one drills coach also went over our 'horrible excuse for a power play'.

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