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Nate [15]

"Nate wait up" Knuckle called behind me. But I didn't stop.

"Nate!" He shouted and I halted as he ran up to me.

"We're coming too" he said Looch running up dragging his bag behind him.

"Lets go" I muttered my voice horse.

We'd won the game 4-2. I was always concerned about hockey it was my lifeline the one thing I knew I could rely on but winning the game for the first time ever, didn't make me feel great.

I threw my gear bag in the back on the SUV and Looch and ferknuckle did the same.

I pulled out my phone before throwing it in the cup holder as I backed out onto the street.

"Anything" I asked Looch and Knuckle.

"Nope" they both replied.

"Where are we going?" Looch asked.

"Sids is as a good as place to start as any" I muttered.

We drove in silence I couldn't loose her. She was my best friend. The world couldn't loose her.

Tyler was lucky he wasn't dead and buried and six feet under as I recalled the ass raping we'd had given him.

"WHAT THE FUCK DO YOU MEAN YOU DIDN'T MEAN TO" I roared at him all eyes in the locker room turning towards me.

"I didn't know man gee calm down" he grinned.

That idiot. My blood boiled I might call him my friend and he could go sleep round with every female in the city but not Jesse, asking her on a date and making out with two other girls in the one night.

"Calm down! Calm down! You know Tyler you know that Jesse didn't want a hump and dump and you still treated her like one of your usuals!"

"I didn't mean too" he defended.

"Let me guess your dick told you too" knuckle said with sarscam.

"Yeah it did actually, I don't know what the big deal is" he said.

"The big deal Is that you know Jesse you knob and.." I stopped and lunged at him pulling my fist back hitting him square in the jaw and another one in his gut before knuckle and Looch pulled me back.

"What the fuck!" He gasped clutching his stomach.

"Her picture is all over Boston and her attacher hasn't been found figure it out ball brains."

"Look man I'm sorry"

"Sorry doesn't fix stupid ass wipe"I growled as I tried to pull away from Looch and knuckle.

"Stop gripping the steering wheel so hard" Looch said snapping me out of it.

After not hearing from Jesse in over twelve hours I was seriously starting to panic. It was late at night and the streets in any area of the city weren't somewhere I wanted anyone to be.

"What are we doing here?"

"It's Jesses old apartment" I grimaced at the thought of her here.

We locked the SUV and walked into the building. The woman behind the tiny screen was watching the television.

"'Cuse me ma'am" ferknuckle coughed politely.

The woman turned round I was unsure weather her face was in shock because of his manners or who we were.

"We were wondering what room Jesse Baker lives in?"

"There's no Jesse Baker living here" her eyes not leaving the tv.

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