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Nate [17]

Our team meal in New Jersey was something we'd do at least once when we visited New Jersey throughout the season.

We would always go to the same place and for most of us order the same meal.

Larry's steakhouse was huge. It was more along the lines of Larry's Warehouse than an eatery.

After tonight's win we were all riding on a high. The devils were an improving team and built there defense along the goalie of Marty Broduer, who as Quaider said 'was older than the hills'.

Although Marty had the veteran presence he was aging and he wasn't as sharp as he used to be in his prime letting us capture the game on a score of 4-1.

"You do realize Davey nearly got a Gordie Howe hatrick" I said to Looch next to me on the train home.

"Oh yeah but Krec doesn't fight"

I cocked my eyebrow in skepticism.

"Okay well Krec can fight if he wants to" Looch laughed.

"Bergy's only been in one fight his whole career" I stated wondering if that was even possible.

"Yeha just don't know how he does it" He mocked in shock and I laughed.

"Would you have really killed Segs last night Nathan?" He said quietly a while later.

Nathan dam even my own mother doesn't call me Nathan anymore, unless I break a window.

"I don't know man probably not" I said cautiously.

"I know what he did was bullcrap Nate but you guys play together sometimes on the same line you need to make up" he said trying to be Switzerland in the middle of all this


"Yeah I know but he fucked up big time and he got his woman panties all twisted up his oversized ego I know that you know that I'm pretty sure after the verbal abuse you've given him over the last two days he knows that but you need to kill the tension or we'll be pissed on and off the ice Jesse included"

"Fine" I sighed "your like my god dam parents not my best friend"

"That's what I'm hear for bud" he grinned goofily jogging my shoulder.

We arrived home at 2 in the morning. As usual I wasn't one bit tired when I should and jogged up the stairs the guys lugging there holdalls behind me.

"Guys wait up!" Ferry called as we were all about to walk in. The look on his face told me it wasn't good news.

"What is it?" Looch asked sensing the same thing.

"Dougie just told me he thinks Chris might be dropping to providence"

"He's what but he's Chris Bourque!" Segs said shocked.

"Well just cause he's a legends son doesn't mean shit he's been a scratch most of the year and he hasn't been spectacular" Shawn replied regretfully.

"Well who's gonna take his spot?" I asked Ferry.

"Chris told Dougie that he thinks there bringing in a new guy in return for a draft pick next year"

"Yikes that's gotta hurt" I cringed Chris had a lot to live up to and the pressure seemed to be getting to him of late.

"It's only rumor guess we'll find out soon enough" looch mumbled we said goodbye to Thorty and Quaider and I unlocked the apartment door.

We dumped our bags in the hall quietly looking round in the dim light lit on by the one over the island to see where Jess and Jeff where.

It looked like she had been editing photos again but this time fallen asleep. Her face was squashed into the sofa and her frame hidden by the blanket.

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