Mini Adventure: Sokka The Avatar

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After receiving sufficient rest and sleep from our previous adventure, we decide to explore the area around us a little before moving on to our next destination. Aang takes us all to a nearby village through Appa, landing just beside a market within the village.

"This place seems like the perfect place to relax for a while," Aang announced, all of us descending from Appa.

"Ah, finally ... I'm sick of flying. No offence, Appa, but I'm a 'solid ground' type of girl," Toph reasoned.

"That makes sense," I shrugged. "You'd enjoy flying on Appa more if you could, you know, enjoy the view, I don't mean it in an offensive way and I'm not trying to insult you or anything-," Toph cuts me off.

"Stop, Suzume." Toph crosses her arms. "I get what you're trying to say and I'm fine with it. Don't worry about it too much." 

"Guys, we probably shouldn't stay here too long...remember, the Fire Nation is still after us," Katara reminded and reaching for our bag of supplies on Appa's saddle, she pulls a wig out. "Suzume, you're going to need this."

"I'm not wearing that. It's itchy, plus, no one will know who I am," I protested.

"Just wear it, Suzume" Katara argued. "just in case the Fire Nation comes after us or anything, better safe than sorry."

"Fine," I grumbled, putting the wig on in acquiescent acceptance.

"You look like a totally different person now!" Toph exclaimed sarcastically. "I can't even tell who you are."

"See, Suzume, even Toph-wait a minute," Katara glared at Toph and I snort, chuckling with Toph. "Do you really have to do that?"

"That was a good one," I remarked, smiling at Toph and she returns it. 

"Fine, you got me, Toph," Katara rolled her eyes, turning her attention to Aang. "Aang," Katara paused, seeing that Aang was already wearing some sort of a fur cap to conceal his airbending tattoos and was hanging out with Sokka. "Nevermind, he already has a disguise. While the boys hang out, why don't us girls do something together?"

Although I was a little scared that Aang would get himself into trouble, my eyes still lit up in interest, "What do you have in mind?"

"Wait," Katara takes a whiff of the air around us and I do too, drawn by some sort of an irresistible aroma wafting through the air. 

"Are those deep-fried picked radishes I smell?" Katara inquired, a smile playing on her lips. "We are definitely going to have to try that, let's go!" Katara grabs both Toph's hand and mine, bringing us along with her to the source of the smell, and sure enough, encountering a stall selling deep-fried radishes on sticks. 

"That looks delicious," I lick my lips. "And you know how much I love food."

"That does smell good," Toph added.

"Oh trust me, both of you will love it," Katara smiled, turning to the stall vendor and paying him the due amount for what she was ordering. "Three sticks of deep-fried radishes please."

The stall vendor gives her the sticks of deep-fried radish and she hands us a stick each. We wolf down the radish, satisfied by its delectable taste and unique flavour that dominated our taste buds.

"That was nice, Katara," I praised. "You have great taste. Any other food or snacks you'd recommend?"

"I could definitely go for more," Toph rubbed her stomach. 

"Hmmm," Katara rubs her hand on her chin in thought, bringing us around the market and foraging for good food when we encounter a huge crowd congregated in one area of the market. Letting our curiosity get the better of us, we make our way to the crowd.

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