Chapter 3: A Trade

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Once the crew got the vault onto their ship, they opened it and Jack stepped forward. Unfortunately, all the money from the bank hand fallen out and only one coin was left, which Jack took and snuck into his coat.

Scrum stepped forward and glanced into the empty vault. "It's empty!" He announced angrily, and all the pirates groaned. "Where's the dosh?"

"Do you think that robbing a bank is easy?" Jack asked. "You gaggle of gutless heels of the womb's guilty of putting me in this dreadful pickle in the first place. Now line up, and offer me your tribute."

The crew looked at him incredulously. "You want us to pay you?!" Marty yelled.

"No, no." (Y/n) cut in. "You don't have to pay him."

Jack looked at her in confusion. "Why not? Am I not the Captain of this ship?"

The ship they were on was sitting on the sand of the beach, held up by sticks and a wooden track that lead to the water.

"You call this a ship?"

"Where's the treasure?" One cremate asked.

"All of us are starving." Another complained.

"We will no longer follow a Captain without a ship."

"I have a ship." Jack insisted, pulling out the bottle that held the Black Pearl. "The Black Pearl has never left me side."

"The pirate Barbossa rules these seas now. Has 10 ships, guns full." A crew member stated.

"Not to mention his cannons." Another added. "18 pounds each they say."

"One legged man with 18 pound balls? That's why he walks funny." Jack commented.

(Y/n) and Callie rolled their eyes, while Ronan tried to hide his laugh.

"Oh, come, come mates. Did we not find the treasure of Macedonia together?" Jack asked.

"It was a troll of rotten wood."

"Gold of King Midas!" Jack listed.

"Pile of donkey dung."

Jack grunted in annoyance.

"Face it Jack. Bad luck dogs you day and night." Gibbs told him.

Jack lifted his nose up. "Now that is a blatant fabrication."

A seagull pooped on his shoulder.

"You've lost your luck."

"You've lost your ship."

"Now, you've lost your crew."

"Jack Sparrow is no longer our Captain."

With that, the whole crew turned and left the ship.

Gibbs stayed for a moment longer and approached Jack and (Y/n).

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