Babysit with me?

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Age: 17
Mom: Wanda maximoff
Dad: vision

Twins age: 9
Peter's age: 18


"You guys better be paying me in money and not ice cream and love this time," I said. I grabbed an apple from the fruit bowl and sat down, taking a bite.

"What, you don't want your moms goodnight kisses and yummy ice cream in your tummy," Mom teased.

"No, actually, I don't," I answered with my mouth full.
"Y/n!" Dad warned.

"I'm kidding, but I better get the biggest portion of ice cream I've ever gotten," I laughed out.

"You bet ya' ass on that," Mom said and tickled me.
"See ya later, ma," I said and hugged her.

Dad and mom left. Peter got here 20 minutes later.
He was wearing a tight tanktop along with a pair of jeans.

His abs were perfectly outlined in the tank top.
"Hi Y/n," He said.

I was staring at his chest, fantasizing about how it would be to let my fingers run against them while the morning sun was burning on him.

"Y/n you're with me?" He laughed slightly.

Is hook my head slightly before looking him in the eyes.
"Uh yeah, hi, uhhh," I mumbled. I reached out my hand but quickly retracted it.

He laughed slightly. It began to be slightly awkward, but I was saved by the boys.

"Y/n, come play with us, we are playing rocket league," they said happy.
I laughed and quickly followed them.

peter followed us to the movie room.
We started playing.

"Ha, got ya." Tommy laughed as he scored.
Every time one of them scored, they switched places.
I kept accidentally scoring in my own goal.

"Hey, let me help." I tried to give Peter the controller, but he sat behind me.
H placed his hands on mine and helped me.

"Look there, you go," He said as we scored.

"Peter and y/n sitting in a tree, k-i-s-s-i-n-g, first come live then comes marriage then comes y/n with a baby carriage" they laughed at their little song.

"Shut up," I said and slapped the back of Tommy's head.

The doorbell rang, meaning the pizza is here.
"I've got it," I said and stormed off.

I opened the door.
"Pizza for Mrs. Maximoff, a double magarotha, a spaghetti with hot dogs, plus a serving of fries?" He said.

"Yes, thank you." I smirked and grabbed the pizzas.

I got the money mom had laid out.
"That'll be 40 dollars, give or take a few cents," He said.
I handed him the 50 dollar bill.

"Keep the change." I smiled.
"Wow, gosh, thanks, that'll help a lot."  He was kinda cute.
His hair brought out his very blue eyes.
The uniform was a size too small, so his very trained body figure was brought out.
The beard stubble showed off his very kissable looking lips.

He got away, and right after, I stormed into the living room.
"Come on, let's watch a movie, I vote on the super Mario bros. Movie!" I yelled, jumping onto the couch accidentally landing on Peter.


Billy turned on the super Mario movie, and we all began eating.

I couldn't help but look at y/n with her brothers.
She was herself, she was laughing and her eyes were lighting up with joy.

N.R/S.J And W.M/E.O x daughter one shotsWhere stories live. Discover now