Chapter 2

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13 years prior (first day of school) - Age: 4

Willy was not happy when he saw me crying and heading his way. He's very protective of me sometimes he just doesn't get it that a girl needs to breathe especially when she has 3 boys to live with. I was skipping with a nice girl I meet, Francesca but she said I should call her Frankie cause it sounds way cooler. When I was walking over to Willy I saw that he was sitting with a boy, the boy looked like he was suited to being Willy's friend, he defiantly had kind eyes. Dad says you can always tell how someone is going to act based on their eyes. Willy hates it because I'm a Daddy's girl and he always wants his attention so they can play boring hockey together. 

I had wanted to introduce myself to the boy with kind eyes, he was very pretty when you got up close but the second I was all bandaged up I was off. Ready to play once again with the Frankie girl. She says she has a dog, I've always wanted one, mostly the golden ones with long fur. They're my favourites in the whole wide world.         

Present Day (first day of Senior Year) - Age: 17

I look over in the direction of his table. He caught me looking, damn it. Damn him and his golden hair and bright blue eyes and dimply smile. It's in his instinct to peeve me off and wink at me. My instinct was rolling my eyes; he has such a big ego someone needs to humble him desperately. Luckily that's my job. Since day one has been my job, to put August back in his place. I take it very seriously as well but sometimes my brother cannot take it, I mean Willy should be grateful at least I'm not falling to his feet like most other girls. He thinks he can get under my skin and into my pants just because he's on the hockey team and pays attention to me. Okay... so maybe the latter sometimes works but who isn't a sucker for attention. 

Blake's sudden appearance at the table startles me out of my Terrence. Blake Sutton has to be the most stunning girl I have ever laid eyes on and she has been that way since she first moved to our middle school years back. She came from Texas so not only is she stunningly beautiful but I also think she has the most gorgeous accent/drawl; although she will heavily disagree with me every day of the week. Blake is a bit like Willy, the life of the party and is about as extroverted as one could be. The only difference is that Blake is not tied down and uses her good looks to get with any guy she likes and I applaud her for it because I could never. 

"Mr Abrose would not let the class out until we finished our formulas in maths. I hope he shoves those formulas so far down his throat the-" Blake stops abruptly looking in the direction to the left. "Delaney, Mila, that blonde chick you hate is getting a little close to your man." Slowly shifting my eyes in that direction I catch Mila's attention the second I do. 

 Ahh... yes. My man, meaning the guy who I thought was the greatest thing to have ever been in my life and also known as Peter Johnson. Was being the keyword which means I have now figured out where I went incredibly wrong over last spring break when I agreed to a date with him. I knew him as one of my brother's teammates and possibly the finest man I'd seen. He still is one of the best-looking guys out there but when you add his personality he loses a few points.

"I don't know why she can't keep her hands to herself. She tried pulling that trick on Will as well a few times. Doesn't know what's best for her," Frankie all but slams her tray down on the table joining us for lunch. Francesca or Frankie has been my best friend since the day I scraped my knees skipping on my first ever day of school.  Not only is she my best friend and partner in crime but also my brother's girlfriend and it would one day be an honour to get to call her a sister for real. 

"I think... I think I might end it," I say picking at bits and pieces of my food cause I'm not really hungry anymore. 

Blake gets fiesty real quick, "what? Why? Did he do something 'cause I swear I will-" 

"No, no. I just think that a few months ago I thought he was better than I realise he actually is. I've seen his true colours now," I have a feeling Frankie knew, using her sister's senses which helps her know me more than I know myself. 

"I support you, Del, just know this is for the best and plus I know someone who would love to take you out." Great. Now Frankie is winking, she's been the captain of a certain ship since day dot. I don't even know why she thinks there is a possibility of it happening there are no sparks flying at all between us. Ever. Never has and never will be. 

We start talking about what we'll wear tonight to the party tonight before the bell rings signalling lunch is over and onto the next class, which for me is English. Great a full hour with August Carter. 

I love setting the scenes and going back in time. you can obviously tell the difference between age 4 Delaney and 17-year-old Delaney. Hatred galore.  (Spoiler {not really})Did you make the connection between a golden retriever's 'golden fur' and how it might remind Delaney of a special someone?  🤭😉

Love lu 

Song - Labyrinth: Taylor Swift 

Words - 929 

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