Chapter 7

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Punching Peter on the ice was a dream come true. He doesn't get to talk shit about Delaney and expects not to get caught especially when he did what he did to her.  I'm sure that if Willy had heard what Peter had said he wouldn't have let him off as easy. But I'm proven wrong when I watch Willy being escorted into the rooms with Coach not too far behind him. Willy looks like he could kill, not being given a chance to cool off yet and coach quite similar but more directed towards us.

"What the hell were you two thinking? Ganging up on your teammate?" We both sit on the bench and stay silent. I don't think Coach is up for an excuse. 

Willy speaks up, "He's out there bad-mouthing my sister and being a di-"

"I don't want to hear the rest," signing and waving his hand he continues, "You boys know better than to let your problems get to you on the ice. Deal with them outside, you both have a bright future in hockey don't let problems like Peter get in your way."

We all look towards the door when we hear it swing open. There stands a personal army of my mum, my sister, Willy's mum, Laney, Blake and Frankie. Crap. We are in big trouble. It looks like Willy's mum is going to lose her mind seeing as he never gets violent and hates if he does. 

But before we can get a lecture coach steps in, "It's fine ladies, I've already scolded them. I think they got the message but as you know they won't be able to play due to suspension." 

"How long coach?" Willy's mum asks. 

"Just one game but if it happens again don't expect to let me off so easy. I will also have you work ten times harder at practice for the next two weeks." Ahhh... shit. He already has us working hard enough but I guess I won't be getting out of bed for the next month. 

Mum seems to be cooking something up inside of her brain as she agrees with Coach. Here we go... "I'll have August make sure that he formally apologises for the saga he created and I'm sure Beth will as well." No way in HELL. Beth, Willy's mum will not have him apologise until she knows the real reason. 

Elizabeth Hughes is the most stubborn person I know (aside from Laney which explains where she gets it from).  But she is also a second mum to me and is incredibly nice. She and Laney look like twins and if you look at childhood pictures of Beth it is very obvious. I'm also sure Beth will make it her life mission to hunt down Peter after she finds out what he's done to her daughter.

I spot Laney over the little crowd and see that she's standing there giving me the death stare. Once she notices I'm staring she focuses towards Willy. I hadn't actually taken in Willy's appearance; dirty blonde hair askew and sweaty, incredibly angry as well as a busted lip and a bruise ripening on his cheekbone. I can imagine I look similar then as I took a few punches from Peter before fully taking him out. 

After Willy and I get cleaned up by our Mums like little boys we are headed to the showers. Whilst we were getting cleaned up both of them were giving us the silent treatment even though we were not in the mood to talk. I can believe Frankie will be upset with Willy, I haven't seen them talk yet anyways. We were the only ones in the locker rooms but once we head out of the showers it was towards the end of the third period meaning we have to face the whole team. 

The girls head out before they see more than necessary in a couple of minutes. Willy and I stay for the team briefing since we won however it ends up in a lecture as we let them catch up only winning by one goal in the end. It was probably our fault anyways which makes it unfortunate the whole team copped it. 

Heading out of the rink I spot my mum waiting with Beth. They have been best friends since they were in middle school and sometimes they'll drop bombs of information about each other. It tends to be when they're wine drunk around a campfire in the summer. Most of the time it's the most out-of-pocket information but they are always the funniest. 

Mike Hughes, Dad of the Hughes family and assistant coach for the team, joins us as we wait for the girls to get back from the bathrooms. Mike is like a Dad to me and I'm proud to say I'm like a son, although not that he needs anymore he has three, but he did all the things a Dad would do for me when I was growing up. For example, he's the reason I know how to skate and have a passion for hockey. He also taught me how to ride a bike and included me in all of their father and sons trips. 

My biological Dad couldn't be there for my Mum and us kids so they divorced, I haven't seen him since but apparently, he has a new family and still pays Mum support. I don't resent him for starting a new family but the least he could've done is tried to have some kind of relationship with me. While Mum supports his decisions and occasionally visits his family in California while she's on business, I can't help but think that she sometimes feels lonely. 

Before long the girls come back with snacks in their hands and Willy has joined us. We head towards our cars and I spot Willy and Frankie talking. Not wanting to intrude I catch up to Mike and start a conversation with him about the hockey before he brings up college. 

"Have you given any thought to where you're planning to go? Any scholarship offers?" He asks. 

I haven't really given it any thought, it's kind of been on the back burner, "Some have reached out but nothing is set in stone. I don't think that I have a preference but I think I would stay close, for my mum especially. Do you know what Willy plans to do?"

"He hasn't mentioned it but I'm sure he and Frankie won't be far from each other and I'm not worried," his laughter simmers down, "It's probably Del I'm worried about." 

That catches me off guard because Laney is the kind of person to know what college she is going to ten years in advance, "Why's that?" I ask instead. 

"I'm just not sure she'd adapt as well as Will or the girls, I think that she likes familiarity and if Blake plans to go to the West Coast and Frankie further south like they told me I think that will really get to her head. All I can is that my little girl is happy 'cause she's all grown up now." 

We made it to the area where we split ways I say bye to everyone and am about to head off but not before Laney gets a smartass comment in. "Good night, I hope those bed bugs bit you right on your manhood." Laughing, she walks away with her parents. 

Now that I kind of have the story down I hope to do more of August and Delaney's bickering because I realise I haven't included such of that. I hope you are enjoying the story though and thanks for giving it a chance. 💃🏼

Song: Bad Blood - Taylor Swift

Words: 1241

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