Chapter 20

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Tears slightly line his eyes as he speaks, "I can't do this." I'm shocked, confused, and heartbroken all at once. 

What? What does he mean? I thought he at least liked me. Did I do something wrong? Have these last three weeks we've spent the majority of our time together been a waste? 

How could I be so stupid and think he would like somebody like me?

Now I'm the one with tears lining my eyes. Crap. The last thing I need is for him to see me cry. No matter how much I will it not to, a tear falls down my right cheek. His forehead rests against mine and we sit there in silence for a second. 

As soon as he speaks his voice is filled with worry, "N-no, no, no. I didn't mean it like that," He swipes a thumb over my tear-stained cheek, "please don't cry. I just mean I can't do this," pointing a finger between us, "acting like there is nothing there; when really I'm so in love with you and I have no idea for how long but it's time I grow some balls and go for it. Delaney, please, let me be yours and you be mine."

It takes me a minute to regain my composure and ability to talk, "Ye-yes, I will be yours and you will be mine." The smile is so big on my face with some stray tears still making their way down my face but they are happy tears. The smile on his face tells me he is too and it doesn't even falter as I feel his lips back on mine. 

"I will never purposely do anything to hurt you and I will protect you with my whole life - I hope you know that - and once we grow old, I will still be so deeply in love with you even on my death bed. Nothing and nobody can get betwe-"

I hear a sniffle from the other side of the room. Make that two. 

"Oh, I'm so sorry bro. We were just- We didn't- I mean holy shit."

"Fuck off man!"

"You have got to be kidding me, you to Frankie." She steps out from his protective stance with tears lining her eyes. But she has the largest smile on her face and rushes over to me. Basically knocking me over via a hug we're both laughing whilst Gus and Willy hug each other.

Whatever this feeling is, I hope it stays for a very long time. 

It's been a long time coming...

OH MY GOSH... Sorry, I like died. Not literally but my motivation flew out the window so I haven't updated in *looks at imaginary watch* for a month. This is a short one, like really short but it's ok because of that ending = Chef's kiss.

Also, can we get an update since last month - so much has happened. HELLO. Travis and Taylor = the cutest. The Eras Movie = in love <3. 10 days to 1989 (TV); screaaaammmiiinnnnggg.

That's all I have. Until next time (whenever that will be)

Words: 424 (my AN was longer than the actual chapter)

Song: Cruel Summer

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