Chapter 10

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If it weren't for the massive downpour that had just occurred I wouldn't have thought twice about making up an excuse to go home. In the end, I'm not complaining because Gus' bed has to be one of the most comfortable I have ever slept in. We have settled in but I can tell he hasn't fallen asleep right away. 

I'm proven correct when he catches my attention, "Delaney?"


He turns around on his side and faces my back. I soon turn around as well not wanting to be rude. He smiles slightly, "Hi."

I sigh, "What?"

"Nothing...," he pauses, "It's just been bothering me."

"What's been bothering you?" The only light in the room is the leaks of moonlight in between his curtains. 

"That I barely know you anymore. We used to be close and now you barely give me the time of day," Gus replies just below a whisper. I wasn't excepting that, to be honest. 

"Well I guess we grew apart," I say but I know that's a lie. I forced us apart and at first, it wasn't intentional until it was. It was my fault there was a drift and it's all because I caught feelings. 

"Oh?" I guess that wasn't the answer he was looking for. He used to be able to tell when I was lying but I hope I didn't give myself away. "Look, Laney, I want to be friends with you again. I have so many memories with you and I'd like to make new ones. I couldn't even tell you what your favourite colour is."

I laugh, "I'm in the same boat I guess."

"Good. My favourite colour is a beautiful yellowy-green colour."

"Hey, that's the same as when we were kids," we both laugh as I take my turn, "bright blue." Specifically the colour of his eyes but he will never know that. 

"What do you want to do after school finishes?" 

Easy question because I have known what I wanted to do for years, "I'm going to stick around Michigan and apply at UMich, planning on majoring in psychology and neuroscience. I obviously have yet to think about backups." 

"Wow, you really know what you're doing," There's something hidden in his voice that I can't quite depict. 

"Do you know what you're going to do?" 

"I've kind of been putting it off but I guess I'd stick around Michigan as well." 

"No thanks, that means I will be looking into moving to California to get as far away as possible. Ooo even better Hawaii," We laugh even though I'm quite serious. I'm starting to get tired and I think August notices. 

"Goodnight Laney."

"Night Gus," I say to annoy him but instead I swear his breath catches. I turn over and get comfortable on my side. I think I fall into darkness pretty much straight away. 


Getting my bearings when I am just waking up is a little difficult but as my brain fog slowly fades I become aware of my surroundings. Ridiculously comfortable bed, odd posters and different decor. Yep, definitely not my room. I jump a little when I hear a door unlock to my left and out comes August in all his glory with his towel only covering what's down there. Dear God. My eyes travel up and down his muscles and abs at least a dozen times before his voice brings me out of my thoughts. 

"Like what you see?" He smirks a little pulling a shirt from his wardrobe. 

"Ye-NO, no, no I do not," I clarify. Unfortunately for me, he turns around and continues looking for clothes and I get a good look at his back muscles. Holy crap is he strong. 

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