Chapter 26

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Gus was exhausted after tonight's game so I thought it would be best if I went straight home. They played great I thought but it seems to Gus that they could have done better. 

Blake and I sat with Rosie and my mother, it was quite funny to see Rosie (basically) fangirling over Coach Dean from behind the bench. I'm glad to see her happy as well and I know that August will never admit it but it feels like a relief for him. He doesn't have to be the only one constantly worrying about her.

Frankie wasn't with us tonight. We're not sure where she is or what's wrong lately. Willy is clueless as all hell so it's not worth asking him. They were a little bit off before Christmas but it seemed to get better again and now all of a sudden it's Blake I'm taking to the games. Which is fine, I love educating her and she seems to be happy lately, happier than usual. She even walks around with a smile on... which is weird... for Blake. 

Anyway, now at one o'clock in the morning, Blake is sitting on the counter eating some Unicorn ice cream which is the only ice cream I've ever seen her eat. She may come across as some slightly cold, heartless person but deep down she's filled with cupcakes, sunshine, and rainbows. She will never agree with that though. 

We've been gossiping this whole night and talking absolute nonsense but that's how it always is with us. 

"Is it weird to say how happy I am with my life right now?" She says through giggles from our last topic. 

We both sober up and I answer honestly, "Not necessarily but yes cause it's you." I mean the last bit as a joke and she seems to pick up on that. "Is there anything specific that you're talking about?" 

I'm trying to pry a certain answer out of her and she knows it. "No, not really. I'm starting to realise how my grandma wanted me to see life. I finally opened some boxes that were mine from the will and read all of the letters she'd written for me over the years. I wouldn't say I've been grieving her for the past fourish years but I think I never found the missing piece of her until now. It's cheesy but in a way I'm glad."

Blake lost her Grandma or 'Maw' as she called her in freshmen year and they were extremely close. Nellie had moved up to Michigan from Texas with them because she 'hated the unnecessary distance that put between her and her family'. Blake doesn't speak about her much anymore but we always knew how much they loved each other and from the many times Frankie and I met Nellie she'd always be sure to include us in their plans. She even tried to get us to call her Maw and took Frankie in when she found out Frankie didn't have many female figures in her life. 

The day she died had been tough, Blake didn't find out until after she had finished school that day because she had had some important test. It had been semi-expected but that didn't make it any easier. Frankie and I found out later that night when my Mum had sat us both down and had later attended the funeral which we both cried heavily at. Blake had struggled with accepting it and I believe that her brother Harrison had still been a bit young to fully grieve but they still commemorate her death many times a year. 

"It's not cheesy until you make it, I think we all miss her sometimes," we hug it out and quickly decide that it's time for bed. No doubt will I be having a nap tomorrow. 


I wake up to an empty bed and a message on my phone. 

Sorry, I had to dip, you know how much I love your bed. I'll see you at school xx

I check the time on my phone and realise it's two minutes to midday so I have about six hours to get my errands done for the day before the sun set.  

Unfortunately for me three hours into doing so, I'm suddenly distracted by Gus. He called me over to help him go through his closet with him and about three outfit try-ons in we suddenly had better things to do. You know. And then once Norah got home she asked if I'd like to go out for coffee with her. Obviously, I couldn't say no to that so that's where I sit currently second-guessing myself. 

"Ok, Norah but you know whose right," Gus says to his sister childishly, crossing his arms and huffing. God save me. They've been bickering the entire time sitting across from each other.

Topic one was how I liked my coffee even though I was quite capable of ordering myself. Topic two was who knows me the best (Gus won because he pulled the 'I've seen her naked' card). Topic three was whose turn it was to have me in their bed (It's Norah's but Gus pulled the 'I'm travelling soon' card and she felt bad). And now topic four, who I like better between the two. 

I finally decide to speak up, "Guys, guys, guys, you are getting this all wrong. Pia is definitely my favourite, end of the discussion," they both sit there in shock, "can we please talk about something meaningful, like your first date." 

August lets out the most overdramatized gasp and Norah stares at me blankly. Oops...

Short chapter but I thought I should at least put one out. Thank you to all the new readers and welcome. I've seen them trickling in over the last few weeks but I've honestly been soo busy. 

The last time I updated I was very unsuspecting that a few days later I would get a ticket to THE TAYLOR SWIFT. Honestly amazing 16/2 show and I cried at the surprise songs. SHE KNEW I WAS THERE. So so lucky 

Don't forget to vote, share, follow and give your love; it is such big motivation. I'm not sure the next time but love ya guys. 

Words: 1040 

Song: Majorie - Taylor (for Blake :))

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