Chapter 24

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Dinner with Gus was an experience, to say the least. For once I felt that I was able to fully relax and actually have fun instead of stressing about the world around me. We were completely sober but we may as well have been drinking because we were acting like we were nearly blackout the whole night. Stumbling around because there were tears in our eyes, constantly giggling and making up stories about surrounding people's lives who we don't even know.

It was everything I could want and more and as we pull to a stop in his drive I show him my gratefulness by grabbing the collar of his shirt- which looks great on him by the way - and give him a big ole' smooch.

It's more than a smooch though. It turns heated quickly with him grabbing my neck to deepen the kiss. God, he is so good at this.

I pull away just enough, "Thank you," I continue gently, "for everything." He and I both know I don't just mean for tonight. For the past thirteen years even.

"You're welcome, baby," he does that slow, sleazy in a way smile that makes my heart skip a couple beats. "Thank you for making my dreams come true," I almost miss it he's so quiet and god am I happy that I didn't. We pull each other in once again and I have no idea how long we are in the car, Gus only reluctantly lets go when his phone rings scaring the crap out of both of us because his phone was still connected to the Bluetooth.

Now we stand outside dragging out the goodbyes. We're both clinging to each other for a source of warmth. Due to the height difference, I have my chin resting against his chest looking up at the guy that I feel so much love for. I feel I fall more when snow starts to fall around us. All I can focus on right now is that it feels like we're in our snow globe, our world, and dazzling haze.

"Can we always be this close forever and ever?" I briefly shiver.

Gus lets out a breathy chuckle and starts to sway. "We should get you inside before you freeze."

I let go with a kiss, "Merry Christmas Gus, I love you." He watches me to make sure I don't slip over before I make it to my door with a smile on his face the entire time.

God, I love him.


I feel like I'm being crushed. I can't breathe and I can't move.


I have all three of my fat ass brothers lying on top of me playing stacks on. They're not light either. All three of them being athletes means they have a fair bit of balk to them. I let out a small scream because that's all I have the breath for at the moment. I spot my parents over by the door, my Mum with her phone most likely taking a photo.

"Help! Don't just stand there, please," I beg my Dad but he suddenly has selective hearing because he jumps on the top of the tower of men.

Giggles of grown boys ring out through the room and suddenly I'm hit with a big wave of nostalgia. All those times as kids when we got so competitive there would be actual wrestling matches on the lounge room floor.

It's been a couple of years since we had a 'normal' Christmas. Last year we were down a Hughes seeing as Matty decided to spend it with his girlfriend in Pitsburg and the year before that my Grandmother had died a couple of weeks beforehand so Dad was a little bit down and out.

Speaking of Matty's girlfriend, Kaia, she looks as though she has just awoken as well and greets my Mum at the door. I love Kaia and she gets along with us so well I wouldn't be surprised if she and Matt get engaged right after college. They met at some freshman orientation at college and have been practically obsessed with each other ever since.

Kaia comes over and for a second it looks like she might join in but instead, she gets a hold of Matt's armpit and tickles the shit out of it. Matty is second from the top, so Dad goes practically flying onto the floor with Matt joining shortly after whilst trying to grab onto Nate's arm and at the same time dragging him off as well. Soon enough it's just Willy and I with him laughing as he hugs me.

"Merry Christmas, Del. You're my favourite," he gives me a wet kiss on the cheek.

My turn to return the favour to my twin, "Merry Christmas William. I guess you're my favourite," slapping a sloppy kiss on his face as well.

Frankie sneaks up behind him and gives him a small kiss on the forehead. At this, his head flings up and he jumps up hauling his baulky arms around her, "You're up baby! Mwah - Merry Christmas. You're my favourite."

I lay there in shock. I have a slight feeling he might just be saying that to everyone.

It's no surprise that Frankie is here with us on Christmas morning. She usually is, she trys to pretend that it's not a big deal and we try not to make it one but every year when she finds out her Dad took another Christmas shift I think it breaks her heart a little bit more. Frankie's Dad is a rockstar every other time of the year but times around Christmas are a sick reminder of her Mum.

Her Mum, Noelle - fittingly - died a couple of days after Christmas about twelve years ago during childbirth with Frankie's (would-be) sibling. I remember the months before that consisted of six-year-old Frankie being so excited for a new sibling. It wasn't until after Winter break when she didn't return for another two weeks did I found out what happened. From there on out this time of year was rough for her Dad, not only did he lose a child but also the love of his life.

The roughest part of his story is that he is an Obstetrician and Frankie says that for years he was obsessed with finding out what went wrong just so he could make sure no other families were left as abruptly as we were. There's never been much finality with what actually happened and they both like to avoid the topic.

Since then we've hosted her for as many Christmases as I can remember and been as good as a sister I could be.

I get up once I realize everyone clearing out slowly and heading to the lounge room where the tree is. I put all my presents for everyone under there last night.

I take a seat next to Nate who swings his arm around my shoulder and leans in "Looks like us single pringles have to stay together, huh, Del."

"You're the single pringle. My other half happens to be spending time with his family this morning."

"Whatever, you know what I meant." He grumbles and hops up grabbing his poorly wrapped presents off the ground and handing them out. There is no way of possibly knowing what someone like Nate could get you.

The rest of the day goes by smoothly with some cousins and other family dropping in for lunch, mostly insignificant to me because all of the cousins my age are in Canada and we see each other during other times of the year, like summer break. It creeps closer to dinner when I finally get to see August for the first time today. Dinner is small with my family and the Carters which is mostly about catching up on the yearly Christmas movie marathon.

I end up trading gifts with Gus at the end of the night when everyone is in their respective rooms where we finally get a bit of privacy. He got me a beautiful necklace that has dainty stars on it. He told me it's because he's convinced I hang the stars and that it reminds him of the shiny eyes I get when I'm truly happy. Isn't he just so gorgeous?

He truly is my lover and my favourite person. Someone I rely on almost religiously and is my missing piece. We end the night showing how much we love one another and I go to sleep knowing I'm safe in these arms.

Arrrrrrrrrhhhhhhhhh... this chapter is proudly sponsored by Oreo to which I ate a whole packet whilst cooking up this storm. Sorry for literally no updates but now that I have my writing motivation back I might be updating more regularly. I've honestly missed this and I've seen all the new readers, votes, and comments coming in so keep 'em coming.

This is literally the worst summer ever, it flooded and is pouring rain  😍

Song; Lover - Taylor Swift (did you pick up the subtle lyrics)

Words; 1417

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