Chapter 17

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Coaches' brutality is ruthless. Like usual. However, during this training session, he seems to be in an extra crappy mood. Ergo this puts everybody else in a crappy mood. I mean I kind of already was since Laney has been acting like I don't exist. In English, she completely ignored me and our projects are due tomorrow.  

Even though Delaney was ignoring me it didn't feel like she was angry with me and it wasn't the kind of silent treatment that felt like she was doing it on purpose. Maybe she just happened to be having a bad day. Or maybe sh-

"Auggghhh, ffuck," whilst I was lost in my Laney trance, I did not, in fact, take into account that I was still in the middle of training and that there was a whole team of bulky, muscly guys skating around. I roll onto my side and see that Wilson lay there with a tongue of expletives, alike myself. Willy must have seen it because he is standing next to us bent over with laughter. His laughter is short-lived, as Coach, from the other side of the ice, practically yells at him to help us up. 

Crap. He is really not happy today. At this point, I also see Mike shaking his head next to him but is soon distracted by Coach. 

"Sorry I thought you knew I was there," Wilson dusts off the shaved ice that's caught on his jersey. I can tell that he is truly sorry but it's not his fault.

"Nah man, I'm right. I was just distracted, I'm sorry," he grabs my hand to help me up.

Surprisingly, Coach immediately dismisses us. It would have to be the first time in history that Dean Cooper has ever let us out of practice early. I mean I've known Coach since the start of my high school career and it's safe to say he treats me like a son but he can be incredibly serious about his job. As far as I'm aware he doesn't have a wife or kids which is probably why he makes his whole life hockey. But he's also a damn good coach.

As I'm skating off the ice I'm talking with Wilson and I happen to look up where I find my Mum sitting in the bleachers. The fuck? I must have it written all over my face because once she looks up she immediately starts waving. I don't think my Mum has come to one of my practises since I was in middle school, I'm not complaining I am just hella confused. She seems to get distracted by something across the arena. I have no clue what cause she has a smile as bright as the sun but is as shy as a mouse. This is so fucking weird and I will make sure to bring it up later.

I walk the rest of the way into the locker rooms and am about to grab my stuff for a quick shower so I can hopefully no longer stink like a pig. However, my phone catches my attention with Laney's name lighting up my phone. She's calling. Which is weird, she never calls me and she was giving me a cold shoulder not even three hours ago. I immediately pick up though and am met with silence.


"Gus, we need to talk. I'm outside your house and I've knocked but it seems no one's home-just I really need to see you," Laney rushes out in one breath and I hear her gasp for air.

I let out a breathy laugh, "Yeah no one's home, I'm at practice but I'll be home in probably half an hour."

"Oh," she pauses, "I should have guessed seeing as Willy and Dad aren't home. Sorry."

"It's fine, but are you ok? I can be home sooner if you really need me," I think back to the night in the kitchen a few weeks ago, when she was consumed by her own thoughts. However, I doubt she having an anxiety attack right now since she has shown no signs. 

"Yeah, I'm fine I just really need to tell you something but it can wait. And before you ask, no, you cannot know now. I need to tell you in person."

"OK, I'll be there soon."


Once she hangs up I pick up where I was and finish up in the locker room about twenty-five minutes later. When I'm heading out I say my goodbyes to the lingering teammates before I step out into the hall leading to the officers and player entrances. Down the corridor, I hear voices. It's my Mum. I decide to try to catch her so I can walk out with her, however, I stop abruptly when I see who she's talking to. Coach. Except he no longer has a frown painted on his face instead they both have bright smiles laughing together. 

Ummm... what the fuck?

I immediately turn around before any of my worst nightmares come true. I'm soon out in the fresh air and I can immediately feel the tension ooze out of me as I hop in my car.  Taylor Swift blares through my speakers from earlier and I start to sing along. Luckily Willy and Wilson are not here because they have a field day about my obsession with Taylor. But really who doesn't? 

I think about what Laney could possibly want to talk about, certainly not wanting to get my hopes up. As soon I pull into my driveway and I see Laney fly out her front door limping along as fast as she can with her crutches. She looks wonderful as ever, still in her clothes from school and instantly enchants me. Like she did when we were five years old. 

"You look excited to see me," she laughs and tries to play it cool.

"Don't act like you aren't dying to know what I have to tell you."

"I'm not, I'm simply just not getting my hopes up." 

We decided to head inside so I could grab something to eat. Now as we sit down on my bed Laney has gone to picking at her fingers and into a quiet state. Great. Now I don't know what to think. She's right beside me to my right with her left side pressed up against me whilst we lean up against my headboard and pillows. We sit there staring ahead of us as I eat my apple which is the only thing breaking our silence. 

Just as I'm about to open my mouth she surprises the shit out of me and connects our mouths. Hollllyyyy coooowww. There is electricity between us. Sparks fly. Not literally but I pull her closer to me and as we continue the need and anticipation only grows. We both get lost in the desire, we're both letting our hands travel each other and it is everything I have ever dreamed of. I have been waiting for this moment for thirteen years. Thirteen. Laney and I fit like the perfect puzzle piece. There is so much chemistry in this room it feels like it could explode. We both let out throaty, excited groans throughout the steamy session. 

I pull back and rest my forehead against hers catching my breath. I really wish I didn't though. "Is that what you want to tell me?" I say barely above a whisper as we both fight for oxygen. 

"Close enough," Laney shrugs but my eyebrows fly up in surprise. 

I must be dreaming up today. It has been the weirdest day in history yet it keeps surprising me. Even as those next words flow out of Delaney's pretty mouth. 

"I am so deeply in love with you, August Carter."

AHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHH... surprise after surprise. What do we think!!!!! I love it so much. Also, I have a major plot twist planned that could likely lead to new stories but don't worry (do, it'll shock you to death) it won't be for a while. Anyway, I was not lying in my last author's note, I did forget what I was going to write about so at least I'm self-aware.

Song: Electric Touch - Taylor Swift ft. Fall Out Boy

Words: 1280 

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