Ryusei Shidou | 𝐒𝐚𝐞'𝐬 𝐍𝐮𝐦𝐛𝐞𝐫

188 3 6

Low budget writing
By: Crime

(J: arr you drunk?)
(C: fuck your mommy issue)
(J: 🖕)

Ryusei Shidou can be seen standing in the middle of the field alone. He awaits an opponent...

You are concerned he might do something crazy or stupid.

"Shidou..." You said in worried

A smile appears on Ryusei's face, as he turns to you with a gleam in his eye that looks a little bit nuts.

"Yes? What is it, y/n?"

His hands stretch out in front him, as if inviting you closer. The look in his eyes is full of anticipation and a mad sort of glee. But that could just be you imagining things.

"please dont do any stupid things" you said in tired tone, crossing your arms in your chest

"What a killjoy..."

He says in a mocking tone. It appears your advice has had the opposite effect on Ryusei than you were hoping for. The insane glint in his eyes appears to be getting worse, which is a bit concerning.

Ryusei just keeps looking at you, the mad glint now full blown and getting rather hard to ignore. He really is making a fool of himself out here.

Is that... blood oozing out of the corner of his mouth? Well that certainly can't be a good sign. You should probably intervene, although Ryusei really doesn't look like he'll be open to listening to any reason right about now.

"I told you not to look for a fight, look at you now all mess and bruise everywhere, I'm worried sick for you Shidou" you said went closer towards Shidou examine his bruise

"Look, I appreciate the concern. I really do..."

You inspect Ryusei's bruises up close and, as your eyes scan over them, you can't help but think that he really does look a right state...

Just then, he tries to grab you! You dodge out of the way, but Ryusei is hot on your heels, looking to tackle you to the ground. It looks like he's not exactly in his right mind right now. His eyes are wild and his movements are reckless.


Ryusei keeps trying to grab you, but you manage to dodge each of his attempts. It looks like he's becoming more and more frustrated with every failed attempt.

In his frustration, without thinking, he reaches out and grabs a hold of your shirt and pulls! He manages to yank you down on top of him, but as his momentum is carrying the two of you forward, he crashes his shoulder into the ground, forcing the two of you into an awkward tumble and roll, before you both land in a crumpled heap on the floor.

you let out a groan feeling the heavyweight on top of you

"Get off, your too heavy!" You said pushing Shidou away

Ryusei rolls off you, still looking completely unhinged. He stands back up, clearly not deterred at all. You don't think he's ever been pushed away so easily before.

He cracks a wild smile and comes forward, preparing another lunge at you. It doesn't look like talking him down is going to work. If you don't do something soon, you really are gonna get dragged into a fight.

"Shidou stop it, you know your too heavy" you said groaning feeling the pain in your lower back

"Stop what?!"

He asks, his voice loud and menacing.

"I don't know what you're talking about!"

He's getting closer and closer! His eyes look all wild and his movements are erratic! That crazy glint from his eyes is just getting stronger and stronger... you could swear he's not the same person you know and love!

He's almost on top of you now...

"No- Stop! If you don't I won't give you sae itoshi's number" you said completely manage to stop on whatever his about to do. Seems like he took the bait and looked at you smiling

"You would really do that?"

A confused look crosses his face. He seems to be thinking for a second. That glimmer in his eyes is slowly disappearing, as if he's realizing he's not thinking straight. You have just stopped him, but it's up to you how to proceed from here.

He stands there, frozen in place, seemingly waiting for you to say something that'll snap him out of this weird rampage.

"of course! Here! I know you been bugging rin All day trying to get sae's number" you said giving the piece of paper with Sae itoshi's number written on it

"Just stop picking a fight on almost everyone" you said

Ryusei takes the paper from your hand. His eyes are wide in surprise. His whole personality shifts in a second, as the mad glint disappears from his eyes.

"You did this for me?!"

He says excitedly.

"Thank you so much!"

A huge smile crosses his face. He reaches out to hug you tight, but you get the sense that he may accidentally squeeze a little too hard!

"oh and also, don't Spam on him if you don't want him to block you immediately, if his asking where did you get it, tell him you get the number on Rin his little brother"

You showed a thumbs up in front on him as you smiled

"I won't!"

Ryusei promises as you put your thumb up. You can tell that he really means it this time.

"You're the best, Y/n!"

He says excitedly as he gives you a tight squeeze.

"Thanks again..."

He steps back and seems to be all better, the mad glint in his eyes gone and his demeanor more calm. It seems he was just in need of a hug to bring him back to reality!

"your welcome"

"You don't know how much this means to me..."

He beams as he looks up at you. It's nice to see the old Ryusei back, not that his personality was ever really bad, but this version of him is just more like the Ryusei Shin knows best.

"sae's number really means to you?" You asked tilting your head

"It means the world to me..."

Ryusei grins as he looks at you.

"Having a chance to talk to Sae again..."

He shakes his head with a wistful look in his eyes, like he were lost in a daydream.

"It's like a miracle..."

He says excitedly.

"Thanks... I really do mean it... I'm lucky to have you as a friend."

He says with more sincerity than you've ever heard from him before.

"yeah sure, zesty" you said letting out a laugh as you give him a nickname that very suits to him

"Hey now! What was that for?"

He chuckles, clearly not that upset by your comment.

"Zestful is certainly an interesting adjective..."

He says with a smile.

"But I guess I'll take it. Not the worst nickname someone's hit me with."

He laughs.

"anyway, I need to go now, I still have things to do" you said waving your hand as a goodbye once you are far away from him

"Don't pick a fight anywhere now Shidou!" You shouted and quickly running towards to the campus

"Bye y/n!"

He yells after you as you run away. He feels the nickname has a certain kind of ring to it...

"I'll see you around!"

He says with a smile, feeling his heart lighter than it had been in a while and ready for anything ahead of him.

𝐂𝐫𝐞𝐚𝐭𝐢𝐨𝐧 𝐎𝐟 𝐓𝐡𝐞 𝐄𝐭𝐞𝐫𝐧𝐚𝐥 | 𝐎𝐧𝐞 𝐒𝐡𝐨𝐭Where stories live. Discover now