Ch 1- This is just the beginning

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Hey y'all. This is obviously the first chapter and there will be many to come. I will try to update every other day if possible. This is really just the starter chapter, but things will get interesting soon. Enjoy...
                                    Hiccup's pov
"That's it, we're leaving".
Tomorrow is the day that I "finally" get to prove to my father that I'm not useless... except I can't. You see, I shot down and befriended a nightfury (toothless) and found that they are really just overgrown puppies. Toothless has shown me more kindness in a month than the whole village has my whole 15 years of living.

The other kids my age have made my staying here even more miserable. Snotlout (my cousin) has been pushing me around since I was a toddler. His gang: Ruffnut and Tuffnut (the twins), Fishlegs, and last but not least, Astrid. My first and only crush. Fishlegs just went along with everything, but never beat me up like the rest of them. Astrid just ignores everyone and is always out training.

Me and Astrid used to be best friends until her parents decided to force her to become the tribe's best shieldmaiden ever. I will see her walk into the mead hall with bruises on her face and arms from the previous night's beating. Her parents have gotten so bad that sometimes I won't see her for a week or two. Now she just ignores me and everyone else around her. I wish I could just show her that there is a better way to live. She would never listen, but I still love her.

Now here I am, in the middle of the cove packing up to leave forever when I hear something.

                                    Normal pov
Hiccup is packing and minding his own business, but little does he know that Astrid is watching everything.
"AHHHHHHHH, " Astrid charges at Toothless.
"ASTRID, " Hiccup jumps in front of her.
"He's not going to hurt us, TOOTHLESS, is my friend," hiccup explains.
"Astrid, dragons... they are different than we have thought. For 300 years we have seen everything wrong. Let me show you" Hiccup held out his hand.

                                    Astrid's pov
Hiccup must have gone insane. That NIGHTFURY must have messed with his mind, or maybe Hiccup really is "useless' '. I need to get out of here. The chief needs to know that his son has betrayed the whole tribe for a dragon. The same species that killed his mother. As I was running, I felt claws grip my waist. Why am I flying? WHY AM I FLYING?! I looked up.

                                    Normal pov
Hiccup sat Astrid on a tree hanging over a cliff.
"Nope" Hiccup replied," not until you apologize to Toothless"
"Have you gone mental?! I would rather die!" Astrid said stubbornly.
"Have it your way," Hiccup chuckled.
Toothless shook the tree and Astrid fell screaming.
"Toothless... fetch"
The dragon dove and caught Astrid just before she touched the ground. Astrid was flung on his back and she clung onto Hiccup for dear life. Toothless thought it was funny how scared the girl was so he went 10x faster until deciding to glide just below the clouds.
"Ok...ok," she gave in," just please stop"
Hiccup felt bad for her. Astrid looked up after a few minutes of praying to the gods that she didn't fall. Mesmerized, she touched the clouds and took in the wonderful view.
(they find the red death, ya know that part)
After a very calming flight, they landed down by the docks.
"Oh my goodness, Hiccup, do you know what this means?" Astrid said excitedly," We found the nest! We have to go tell your father".
"No." Hiccup replied
"What... why"
"Because he will kill Toothless" Hiccup had a very stoic look on his face. Astrid knew he wouldn't change his mind.
"Then what do we do?"
Hiccup answered, looking sort of sad," Well, I'm running away. I can't live in a place that kills dragons when I know the truth. These stubborn vikings will never accept that."
"I'm coming with you," Astrid said," Now that I know the truth about these kind, loving creatures, I can't stand by and watch them be abused and killed while these vikings see it as entertainment"
"Astrid, what about becoming a shield maiden. You are the best fighter in the tribe." Hiccup stated worriedly.
" I never wanted to be a shieldmaiden Hiccup. My parents made me. And I can't stand another day of them. Everyone in the village knows how much they beat me, but they all just stand by because 'it's part of becoming a viking" according to the chief. Even his own son is pounded upon everyday by his own cousin and no one cares."
Hiccup held her hand.
"Then I guess you better get packing," He said with a smirk
Astrid punched his shoulder
"OW, THAT HURT. Why are you so violent!?"
Then Astrid kissed him and ran to pack her stuff. Leaving Hiccup in a daze.

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