Ch 11- Sacrifices

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This chapter got me where it hurt. I never knew fictional characters could feel so real. This one's a real tearjerker y'all.


Everyone looked across the room to see Stoick in utter shock. Along with everyone else, he thought she was dead. He watched her get taken away.

Valka looked ashamed and looked at Stoick," I know what your thinking Stoick. How could I leave you... I wanted to come back but I thought you would hate me!"

The silence was deafening.

"Oh come on Stoick... shout, scream say something!" Everyone waited for an answer but her just wanted towards her and rested his hand on her face," You're as beautiful as the day I lost you."

Valka was stunned. How could he forgive her this easily? Suddenly Hiccup announced that everyone leave the hall except his parents. He glanced at his mother and she nodded in approval as he left too.

Hiccup and Astrid were standing outside of the mead hall anxiously. Hiccup was pacing back and forth. "Do you think they still love each other? I mean, she left him for 23 YEARS! And he treated his only son like dirt. There are things to forgive on both sides."  Astrid walked up to him and wrapped her arms around his torso. "Everything will work out babe. If they really love each other like you and I do then they will be fine."

Hiccup turned around and put his arms around her too," I don't know what I would do if you left me to be a dragon vigilante." Astrid got serious for a second and said," Don't you ever think that I would do that."

As they were having their *hiccstrid* moment, they both heard singing behind the door. "Are they really singing?" Hiccup asked with a laugh." Well... I hate to say it but... I told you so." Astrid teased him.

The couple walked in to see Stoick and Valka dancing and singing and somehow Gobber got in and was singing to.

"Well I hate to break this 'wonderful' moment but we need to talk father." Hiccup said in a serious tone. Valka nodded to her son while Astrid whispered," Will you be ok?" Hiccup nodded and pecked her forehead.
Once everyone was out of the room Stoick spoke first," Son... I understand now why you left. You had every reason to leave. I was a horrible father when all you needed was some love... I see that now. And...and the dragons son! They are incredible. We have been at war for 300 years when there was a chance at peace all along." As Hiccup was listening, he felt more and more relieved. He was thinking that this would get heated very quickly but they might actually be on the same page.

"I'm glad that we've come to that agreement. I truly am sorry for leaving... Gobber told me how hard it was on you. On my part, I am glad that I left... it did me good. I have grown both physically and mentally and will not hesitate to protect my people if it comes to something bad. On the other hand, you are an amazing chief. You made many mistakes as a father but I think you can make them up as a grandfather." Hiccup smiled as Stoick realized.

"You have a child! Can I meet him? Where is he? I'm a grandfather!" Hiccup had never seen his father this happy before.

"Come... let's introduce you."

~ Hiccup's mansion~

Hiccup opened the gates to see his son running around with Astrid while Valka was sewing a piece of leather armor. As soon as Nuffink saw his father; he ran waddled to him.

"Daddy!" Nuffink yelled. Hiccup grabbed him in his arms. Nuffink was still a little bad at walking since he was only two years old but that never stopped him. "Good evening little warrior. There's someone I want you to meet. This is your grandfather." Hiccup turned to Stoick with Nuffink still in his arms.

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