Ch 9- We Meet Again

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The drama is officially starting...

~ 7 years after Hiccup and Astrid left Berk~

The empire, Einvald, was thriving. In fact, it is now the greatest empire next to Rome. The Emperor, Hiccup Haddock, and the Empress, Astrid Haddock, are the greatest rulers the archipelago has ever seen.

The 22 year olds have been happily married and they now have a 2 year old son named Nuffink. Nuffink is the sole image of his father with the exception of his mother's hair.

Astrids pov

As my eyes fluttered open and I woke from a deep sleep, I noticed a firm arm wrapped around my waist. I've been with Hiccup for 7 years now and he still gives me butterflies.

Turning around and looking at my husbands chiseled body I asked myself how I deserved such a man. He is the smartest person I know and has become the best fighter in the archipelago. I'm so proud of him.

Normal pov

Astrid pecked a kiss on Hiccup and went to tend to Nuffink.

An hour later Hiccup woke up and saw the empty spot next to him. He hated that. The tall man didn't even try to tame his hair; he just walked out shirtless into the halls heading to the arena to train.

Little did the large empire know that there was a fleet of Berkian ships heading straight their way.

At the ships

"Stoick! I see land!" A one footed burly man yelled. " I see it Gobber. Head straight to it and ready your weapons in case of attack." Stoick ordered." Got it chief".

The arena

Eret was running as fast as he could. A Berkian fleet coming to their island and Hiccup is no where to be found.

"Astrid! Thank the gods I found you. Berkians... a whole fleet heading straight towards us." The look on Astrid's face was fear... something rarely seen on that Valkarie's face.

She said calmly," Don't attack, stay calm and we will welcome them. We are not looking for a fight but we will give one if necessary." Eret nodded and ran off.

Where is Hiccup in all of this? Then Astrid realized that this is when he trains in the morning. The Empress flew off after putting Nuffink in the safe quarters with his nanny.

~the arena~

The sweaty Hiccup had just finished wrestling his best bud, Toothless.

Astrid flew in without her husband noticing. Her eyes immediately caught his scarred, sweaty and tattooed body.

Wait. This is no time to be ogling over Hiccup. "Babe!" Astrid ran straight towards him. "Well hello milady, what brings you here?"

Still panting and trying to keep her eyes off of his body," Berk... they're here."

Hiccup just looked at her before saying," how many ships?"

"All of them"

On the ships

"Stoick, that island is definitely inhabited and covered in defenses." Stoick just nodded," yes Gobber, put up the white flag and show that we mean no harm

The flag must have worked because they got all the way to the docks without being shot at.

Coming towards them in the air was dragons. Crap.
" DRAGONS!!" someone yelled and everyone prepared their weapons but Stoick yelled," STOP, There is people on their backs." Stoick knew that he should be shooting at them but he had a bad feeling mixed with curiosity about these people.

Once they landed, many men walked forward and in front of them all was two people in dragons scales head to toe. They were spawns from hellheim itself.

The man in black armor spoke first,"Why have you set foot on my land" he said grimly.

Stoick answered," We come in refuge. Our lands have been taken by Viggo and Ryker Grimborn. Their armada set fire to our lands and murdered women and children. All we ask for is a place to stay."

The man with only his emerald eyes showing sighed," Just tell me one thing" there was a silence before he spoke again," are you willing to live at bay with hundreds of dragons until you find a permanent place to stay."

Stoick the Vast bravely answered," Anything that will keep my people fed and safe."

With that answer, Hiccup took off his helmet. Astrid whispered," Are you sure about this babe?" Hiccup answered with a "nope".

Everyone was confused for a moment before Stoick and Gobber at the same time realized who this was. Stoick said shakily said," Hiccup?"

" Father, this may seem strange. I have been dead for  7 years, but the fact is that I actually ran away. This whole village standing before me couldn't look at me without calling me useless or beating me to a pulp."

Astrid rested her arm in his while they made eye contact before nodding," even you, father, couldn't bear to have me as a son. I am not 'useless' anymore, I am the emperor of the most powerful empire in the archipelago, Einvald."

The whole of Berk looked shocked and confused, but before they could say anything, Astrid took off her helmet.

" I also am not dead, in case your wondering. My whole life was a competition to be the best and when I wasn't, I was beaten and scolded. Being second best in dragon training earned me a whole night in the basement locked up."

Astrid's parents, who stood next to Gobber, looked ashamed.

"Hiccup showed me that there is more to life than killing and winning. Dragons." Some Berkians were heard scoffing at that word but she continued," As the Empress of this place, I expect you all to respect our people or it will not end well."

"Just wait a damn minute," Snotlout came from the crowd and pointed straight at Hiccup," If Astrid is Empress then that means that she is with Useless. How is my angel with my scrawny cousin?"

Snotlout didn't even have time to get an answer before he was tackled to the ground by none other than Astrid. She landed punch after punch until Hiccup held her back with her still struggling," My husband is ten times the man than you can ever think of!"

Snotlout just backed away from the crazy woman. With the rest of Berk still in shock that Astrid is alive too, Hiccup hopped on his dragon with Astrid with him (still struggling). "Eret, take them to the great hall and try to keep the dragons away from them for a while."

Eret nodded while Hiccup flew off trying to calm down Astrid. This was going to be a long walk for the Berkians and Hiccups men since the entry is supposed to be made on dragon back.

Pls message me if you want anything added to the story. Also, this is a Hiccstrid story so there will be lots of it. Ik some people don't like it but it's just a part of me. Hope you enjoyed it.

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