Part 2~ Ch 2- Lightfury

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I loved writing this chapter. The beginning is a lot like httyd 3 but I'm adding a bit of a twist. Actually it's a big twist, but anyways I think you'll like it:)

It was early in the morning and Hiccup was sitting on a cliff after a flight with Toothless. They had found and mapped every island within a days trip from Einvald. Hiccup was hanging his foot off the edge while throwing his prosthetic for Toothless to catch

"Do you think that you are the last one bud?" Toothless gave a sad warble in return. Toothless is the last night fury seen in 15 years. Most likely all killed by Grimmel.

"There has to be more somewhere." Toothless didn't seem to mind that much. As long as he had his rider, things would be fine. Thats when Hiccup heard a familiar flapping of wings behind him. Before he could say anything his goddess of a wife sat right next to him and kissed him so passionately he thought he might fall off the cliff.

"Well how are the two of you doing this fine day?" Hiccup asked, regarding Astrid and their unborn child.

Astrid rested a hand on her abdomen and sighed, "Feeling a bit nauseous but that is expected. Valka wanted me to get you for the battle preparations." Hiccup looked down not wanting to think about any of that right now.

Astrid pulled his chin to her face and whispered, "Hey, it's ok. We will get through this just like the last time." Hiccup shook his head, "This is my fault..." Astrid started shaking her head and was about to say something when he continued, "If I hadn't run away and taken you with me, you wouldn't be in danger and you could've lived a normal life and married the finest man in the archipelago."

Astrid knew he might say something like this. His tragic self image somehow has gotten worse even though he is the hottest, best fighter this side of Rome. It hurt her to see him like this. "If I didn't run away with you then I would've been married to Snotlout and beaten every day by my parents. You, Hiccup, are the best choice i've ever made."

Her husband had the cutest grin on his face, she started to chuckle. Then he thought about how much her parents had hurt her, "I am sorry that I didn't take you away from your parents earlier. They were cruel and I was too caught up in trying to impress my father to help you."

"Hiccup thats not true. The day when we were twelve and you gave me that ax for my birthday, I knew someone cared about me." Then he looked confused, "How did you know I made that for you? I told Gobber to say that he made it."

Astrid laughed, "Well if you didn't want me to know it was you then you shouldn't have carved your initials in the blade!"

Hiccup rubbed the back of his neck embarrassingly and then she punched him. "Hey! I didn't even do anything this time!" Astrid rolled her eyes, "That's for trying to be so modest in giving me that ax!" Then she jumped on him and smothered him with kisses, "And thats for everything else." she grinned.

Hiccup just couldn't get enough of her. They were about to get more intimate when they heard a loud roar in the forest below them and Toothless just jumped off. "Toothless!"

Hiccup's dragon didn't respond as he jumped clumsily down the cliff while Hiccup and Astrid sat confused. They eventually hopped on Stormfly and followed Toothless to a bare spot in the woods.

All of the sudden, a white dragon with the shape of a night fury hopped out of the shadows. Hiccup and Astrid quickly hid behind a tree to watch this exchange.

Toothless and the strange creature circled eachother before getting closer and sniffing the other. After a few minutes it almost looked like they were communicating. Not thinking, Hiccup got out from behind the tree and started walking towards the duo.

Fate is a tricky one ~ HTTYD RUNAWAYWhere stories live. Discover now