Ch 12- Arguments

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Sorry this took longer. I've had a soccer game every other day with practice in between. There's a lot of Hiccstrid in this chapter so beware HEHEHE.

It has been a day since the meeting. After Hiccup and Astrid had their emotional flight last night, Hiccup sent Eret to head Berk's way to see if Viggo and Ryker were heading this way. Now here Hiccup was, standing out on his balcony. It was early morning and he didn't sleep much. In his mind, he really didn't want to fight anymore. Astrid was right, he had been through enough.

It's not his choice though. Hiccup wouldn't be able to live with himself if he didn't help his people. Berk was now a part of his empire for the time being and a leader protects his own. His father would tell him how he would be chief someday and now he was the emperor of a nation.

Astrid was still asleep; Hiccup watched longingly wanting to be able to sleep again. His insomnia was getting worse by the day as well as his stress levels. The only person that he has talked about it to is his Mother; she is the caregiver after all. He also didn't want to worry Astrid.

He walked outside to see the sunrise when he saw the silhouette of a monstrous nightmare. As he got closer, he saw Eret on Skullcrusher. "Eret, what did you see?" Eret was panting and had an arrow stuck in his armor but it wasn't piercing him. "Hiccup, there's a whole armada. Hundreds and maybe thousands of ships heading straight toward us. They shot at Skullcrusher and I but we got out in time."

Hiccup's face was drained of blood. This was really happening. "Report straight to the council and get ready for war. We have already made preparations but now you must prepare your mind. How far are they?" Hiccup asked.

"With their speed, I'd say they will be here in 2 days." Hiccup nodded and Eret flew off. Hiccup's head was spinning. It was just like Drago and maybe worse; he can't go through that again. This time it was Viggo who is 10x smarter.

Hiccup's chest started hurting...

Viggo was going to take everything he loves and torture Hiccup as Drago did.

Hiccup couldn't breathe anymore...

His head kept thinking of more ways that he and his family would die. Wait. This is another panic attack. He collapsed to his knees struggling to breathe. He eventually moved to the forge so that no one saw him.

Astrid woke up not too long after Hiccup. She hated feeling the empty spot by the bed. Remembering Nuffink needed attention, she went to go tend to him knowing that Hiccup was probably out on a flight.

After a few hours, Astrid saw soldiers running all over the place. She immediately went to fo find Hiccup to figure out what was going on. While she was looking for him, Astrid ran straight into Eret.
"What's going on?" she asked," And where is Hiccup?" He replied," The Grimborn brothers were spotted with a whole armada heading straight to us. As for Hiccup, I reported to him about an hour ago and haven't seen him since."

"Thank you, Eret." she ran off to go help with preparations for war and to find Hiccup.


After Hiccup's little breakdown, he went to his mother to start getting the women and children off the island. She was in the healer's hut making as many healing concoctions as possible. "Mother, we need to get everyone to the separate island... the war is almost here." He said a bit darkly. Valka calmly replied," I'm staying."

"I don't have time for this mother. Please do it for my sanity." Hiccup pleaded. "Son, your sanity left you years ago. I need to stay because I am the healer and that is one of the most important jobs in a war." She replied still very calm.

Before Hiccup could retort back, Astrid barged in out of breath. "Babe, where have you been? No one has seen you for hours and we need to prepare for war."

"Yes actually, I am glad that you are here. You and Mother need to gather the rest of the people who don't or can't fight and take them to our southern island. Ryker and Viggo will be here in less than two days." Hiccup could tell that this was going to be hard convincing them both to go away.

His mother and wife both repeatedly said no. Astrid then proceeded to tell him all of her reasons for fighting.

"I am second in command and general of Einvald if you couldn't tell, generals lead armies into war... not safe spaces."

Hiccup could see that she had a point so he replied," may both do as you wish. Mother I still need you to gather the non-fighters; they need to leave by sundown." Hiccup immediately walked out obviously annoyed.

Astrid ran out to talk to him but he already flew away on Toothless.


Hiccup glided on Toothless struggling to keep his thoughts straight. He screamed into the empty sky hoping to find some kind of assuage. He knew that his wife and mother were some of the most capable warriors in the archipelago but his mother, wife, and son were his only reasons to live.

With the sun setting. The duo flew back to get a good night's sleep. When they landed, Astrid was sitting on the balcony waiting for them. She looked deep in thought until she finally looked up. "Hiccup! You have been out all day. I was starting to think something happened."

"Sorry milady, a lot has been on my mind lately. Let's go to bed shall we?"

Astrid replied," First answer me this... Are YOU prepared to see and experience the same things that happened with Drago? This war may last months if not years. Our child will have to grow up in a time of war."

Hiccup froze. Just thinking about those days gave him chills," Nuffink has already left with the rest of the villagers and I am just glad that he will be safe. I deeply wish that none of this happened but you can't avoid things like this." Astrid simply nodded.

They both held each other in their sleep, wanting to savor these precious moments while they lasted


Late at night, Hiccup jumped up screaming after another one of his nightmares. The screaming immediately woke Astrid up. She embraced him whispering soothing words because this happened often.

"What was it this time?" she asked. After taking a few breaths he responded," Me getting tortured... and you were right next to me. We both had to hear each other's screams." Astrid shuddered at that thought. How did his brain think such horrible things?

Not knowing what to say, Astrid just held him in her arms hoping they could have one night without nightmares.

Fate is a tricky one ~ HTTYD RUNAWAYWhere stories live. Discover now