Ch 13- Betrayal

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This took longer than I expected but it's my longest chapter yet. Both of my games got canceled this week because of the heat so ill try to update faster. Have fun ;)

Lined across the sky were hundreds of dragon riders as well as the Berkians on their ship. There was a group that stayed on land in case the brothers got through their defenses. This was the day that Ryker and Viggo would attack. The line of ships was clearly visible across the ocean. The ships were only a mile or two away and Hiccup was waiting to give the signal. The silence was deafening.

Once Viggo and Ryker's armada was close enough, Hiccup raised inferno and yelled," Attack!" Arrows flew left and right; people on both sides were shot down and dragons fell from the sky. Hiccup realized that the Grimborns poisoned all of their arrows. They were able to take down both man and dragon.

Hiccup and Astrid nodded at each other before blasting ship after ship. Suddenly Astrid was blown off of Stormfly by another dragon. Hiccup swooped down and caught her while staring daggers at the attacker; it was Viggo on a dragon.

Why is a dragon trapper riding a dragon? Hiccup charged at Viggo with Astrid clinging to his back. As Toothless was about to blast Viggo, a giant blast headed straight towards them. Toothless swooped down barely missing the hit. It turned out that Ryker was controlling a Shellfire somehow.

"Hiccup we need to retreat, we can't fight a shellfire. It will blast us to pieces!" Astrid yelled through the noise. "It has no choice milady. If we get Ryker and Viggo off of their dragons then we won't have to fight them."

Astrid knew that Hiccup was too stubborn to retreat so she might as well fight with him; otherwise, he would get himself killed. Hiccup shouted through the screams of war," I will take you to Stormfly while I try to blast Ryker off the shellfire." Astrid nodded and jumped onto her dragon.

Hiccup swooped at Ryker and his men trying not to hit the shellfire. Crap, it's dragon-proof. The only thing more potent than that dragon is a Submaripper. What if we summon a Submaripper to take the Shellfire?

Hiccup came up with the perfect plan but now he needed to put it into action. Astrid was still fighting Viggo and she thankfully shot him off of his dragon. Hiccup summoned the Submaripper. While he was waiting for it to arrive, he went to help Astrid with Viggo.


Astrid and Viggo were now in hand-to-hand combat. Viggo had the upper hand and it wasn't going well for Astrid. She swung her axe at his head but he dodged and sliced her side. She yelled in frustration and pain but didn't give up. With her hand holding her side, she spun, and her axe made his sword fly out of his hand.

Viggo was about to tackle her when Hiccup flew in just in time and blasted Viggo off a cliff into a pit of lava. Hiccup jumped off and ran to look over the edge. Viggo was gone. Hiccup ran to his wife," Astrid!"

She collapsed to the ground in pain," Babe I'm fine just give me a minute." Hiccup scooped her up and didn't even flinch as a whole explosion happened right behind him. Slowly walking, he put her on Toothless and got on behind her.

"I'm taking you back to The Edge. Then I will go finish Ryker." Hiccup said as they flew off. Astrid didn't even respond because she lost too much blood. Hiccup whispered, "Stay with me..."


When Hiccup got to the island, his mother was running around frantically. She decided to stay on the island and help the injured since she was the village healer. Hiccup ran straight to her hut with the now unconscious Astrid in his arms. "Mother! It's Astrid."

Valka looked up from whatever she was doing and gasped as she saw the bloodied Astrid in Hiccup's arms. "Quick... put her on the bed and take her armor off."

Fate is a tricky one ~ HTTYD RUNAWAYWhere stories live. Discover now