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❀ dancing legs ━━━━━━━━

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dancing legs

After an hour, Hana woke up with a start. Her heart was beating fast and she could hardly breathe.

"Hana, what's going on ?" said Riki in a panic, seeing the girl next to him with a thin layer of sweat on her forehead and slightly red eyes.

It had already happened to her, several times in fact, but this was really different. It was much more painful than usual and she was hot, training hot.

"I think there's a very big problem." she managed to articulate between two laboured breaths.

Understanding the situation, the young boy quickly put away his drawing materials, took their two bags and put Hana's arm behind his neck so that she could lean her full weight on him and they left the classroom as quickly as possible.

"It's okay Hana, everything's fine." Riki tried to reassure her, but she knew better than he what was happening.

Her heart was beating so fast that it echoed throughout her body, she thought her head was going to explode or her knees were going to break.

Maybe that was it ?

Maybe this was death ?

That feeling of being weak and not even being able to stand.

That feeling that everything inside you is going to explode.

Hana was afraid, she had always been afraid of death, of seeing the Grim reaper fall on her with a broad smile.

But now, everything was too quiet.

She could hear nothing.

See nothing.

Everything grew darker with each step he took and little by little his body became lighter and lighter.

His foot dragged along the ground and his head fell forward.

The seconds slowed down and all she could hear was her irregular heartbeat.

She could hear the sound of her breathing, slow and painful.

She didn't even hear Riki shout, "Call an ambulance, quick !" as they entered in the headmistress' office. She glanced at Hana and didn't hesitate for a second before picking up her phone and calling the emergency services. Despite the egg on her head just over an hour ago.

5 minutes later, an ambulance arrived and Riki negotiated to go with them.

He was determined to stay with Hana. He wanted to know if everything was all right, if things were getting better or not.

He kept telling himself that she wasn't going to die, not so soon, that tomorrow they'd be together again, laughing and thinking about other things.

But death never warns you. So yes, he was afraid for her.

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