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❀ coloured star━━━━━━━━━

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coloured star

Riki opened the door to Hana's room and let her in.

"Thank you nini, thank you so much."

"I promise, next year I'll do all the rides with you." he said, taking her hands.

Hana lowered her head and sighed silently.

The young man leaned slightly towards her and whispered without letting go of her hands, "Hana, you'll be there next year, there's nothing to worry about." She nodded and closed the door.

"Good night, my flower girl. Sleep well and make sweet dreams." said Riki before walking away from the door frame.

He passed a window and saw fireworks. Probably the fireworks that the funfair had organised to celebrate their first day.

It was the same thing every year, Riki didn't even look at the fireworks for a single second, he found them uninteresting, but this time, he ran towards Hana's door.

He didn't even knock to get in when Hana was ready to fall asleep.

"Oh Hana, I beg you, come and spend some more time with me."

"Riki, I'm going to sleep." She tilted her head slightly to the side, looking really tired of going out again.

Riki walked into the bedroom and said as he dropped to his knees. "I know I haven't made you happy tonight, but I want to make it up to you." Riki saw that she wasn't responding to his request, so he added, "Hana, I got down on my knees for you !"

She let go and smiled, letting Riki think he'd finally convinced her.

"Quick, before it's over !"

The two walked quickly to the roof and sat down in front of the fireworks. They began to watch the spectacle unfolding before them.

It was as if thousands of stars were bursting in the sky, bringing the clouds and the city to life.

It was beautiful.

Fireworks of every colour exploded in the sky, creating different shapes each time.

The view from the roof of the hospital was perfect and the whole spectacle unfolding before them was splendid, as if it had been created just for this moment they were going to spend together.

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