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❀ a floral model ━━━━━━━━

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a floral model

Today, there was only a month to go before she turned 17 and Hana wanted to believe that she could celebrate her birthday with Riki. He had helped her a lot this month.

But today was the day Hana was going to find out whether things were going to stay like this or not, because she was in the waiting room for her appointment with her doctor after having an X-ray. 

Riki had to go to school and couldn't come with her, but he told her several times that everything would be fine.

Hana entered her doctor's surgery and he began to examine her.

He hadn't said a word since she came in, and his eyes were red as if he'd just cried.

He sat down behind his desk and put his glasses back on as he took out an envelope, the radio.

"Hana, this is serious." he said. "Your blood balls are getting bigger and they're going to end up touching. Your lungs are getting thinner and thinner and you're losing too much strength."

He inhaled sharply and continued: "If the progression of your illness doesn't slow down, Hana, it'll happen soon."

She felt her heart contract so hard she thought it had stopped. She dropped her arms to the side of her chair and began to cry.

"You'll have to stay here until tomorrow. We need to know how fast the disease is progressing."

She still had her life ahead of her, a good life perhaps.

A career as a pianist to build !

At that age, you think you're immortal and you don't think for a second about death because you're too busy having fun for that.

But Hana will never know what her children and grandchildren will be like. She'll never know what it's like to have a job, to decorate a house or to take a trip lasting several months across huge countries.

She will never know that.

Because she's going to die.

She left the room without holding back her tears and said to her doctor: "I don't want to spend the rest of my life in a hospital, doctor. I want to make the most of the time I have left." she said between two sobs.

"Hana, I didn't choose all this."

She set off through the hospital, just to walk. Everything was more complicated now and walking for five minutes had already become a great ordeal.

She returned to her room and sat down to catch her breath, then quickly lay down on her bed with her hands on her chest.

She could feel her heart beating so hard in her hands.

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