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❀ a few lines in a notebook ━━━━━━━━━━━━━━

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a few lines in a notebook

Hana slowly began to open her eyes because of a smell. Not an unpleasant smell, but one she didn't know.

The moon was hidden behind dark clouds and only the buttons on the machines in her room gave her light. She looked around and didn't see Riki.

She sat up and saw a pot of flowers and a drawing on her bedside table.

Her brain was still asleep, but she slowly picked up the small drawing and unfolded it.

Her brain was still asleep, but she slowly picked up the small drawing and unfolded it

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Hana frowned slightly, wondering why Riki had drawn this.

It was so unlike him to draw in this style. He was used to adding colour to his drawings, making them cheerful and beautiful to look at.

This one was completely different.

She knew he always left a little phrase, so she turned the drawing over, but there was nothing.

Nothing at all.

Not a word from Riki.

She took the flowerpot and held it up to her nose to smell it.

She loved the scent she was discovering, and she'd never seen this type of flower before.

She turned her head towards her bedside table to put the bouquet down, but Hana's attention was drawn to her notebook when she saw a little piece of paper out of her notebook with the words: -your nini ;)

She quickly put the flowers down and picked up the piece of paper to read:

"I hope you don't know these flowers, so I can explain their meaning to you.

There are two types of flowers in this bouquet. Most of them are chrysanthemums. These flowers represent health, Hana. The larger ones are Calla lilies, which represent life.

I bought this bouquet for you last night, so that you could sleep next to these flowers.

But you probably don't understand my drawing. It's just an excess of anger, I think. So I bring you health and life, just for you.

But if I had to write one sentence, it would be: "I hate this disease more than anything in this world !"

I can't wait to see you tomorrow, my flower girl, we're going to spend a beautiful day together.

Good night, my darling.

-your nini ;)"

Hana folded the paper and began to cry.

She let her heart beat faster than ever. She had never felt anything like it.

So much sadness and joy at the same time.

Everything mixed up inside her and her heart no longer understood anything.

She too hated this disease more than anything else in the world and wanted to get rid of it as soon as possible.

But Riki's gesture was so sweet.

She loved the way he spoke to her through his drawings, but this was a drawing of sadness, and even Riki was unhappy because of her.

Why had she written that stupid list ?

Why did he keep coming to see her day after day to make sure she was OK ?

Why did they keep talking to each other ?

Hana was hurting him more than anything else.

She'd promised herself she wouldn't make any more friends just after meeting Riki, she knew it wasn't going to be a good idea.

She was afraid for Riki, because she knew that in the not-too-distant future, the Grim reaper would pair her shoulder with his.

She quickly wiped away her tears and took the last page of her notebook.

She wrote a few lines before closing it and going back to bed.

Riki knocked on the door and quietly entered.

It was only 6.34am, but it was a long way to the beach, especially as they were cycling.

Riki stroked Hana's hair and the girl woke up gently, still smelling of flowers.

Riki saw that his little letter was next to his drawing, so Hana had read it.

He smiled at her and she opened her eyes. She smiled back and Riki said, turning back to the door: "Get up my flower girl, we've got some wishes to fulfil !"

Two minutes later, Hana was dressed and ready to go to the beach.

Riki took her hand and they went out together.

When they got outside, Hana breathed in the fresh morning air and was surprised not to feel her lungs burning. She breathed in a second time and still nothing, her breathing was no longer painful.

It was still dark but the city lights were already on.

Riki was still walking and Hana understood how she wanted to get to the beach.

By bike.

The young girl stopped dead in her tracks, how could he have made such a mistake ?

Riki turned his head towards Hana and quickly understood what she was thinking.

"It's OK Hana, I've only booked one." he said, rolling his eyes as if it were obvious.

He sat down on the bike and Hana climbed on behind him.

She didn't really know how to strap herself in, but she was too scared of falling off.

Riki turned his head to show Hana his profile. He gave her a brief smile and said: "It's cute to see you hesitating, my flower girl, but you can hang on." Riki took her hands and placed them around his waist.

They both felt their hearts beating faster than ever and Riki had butterflies in his stomach.

He looked at Hana's hands around his stomach. She had fine and soft hands.

Riki stroked the girl's hands behind him, then Hana put her head on his shoulder and they left.


thank you for reading this far <3
I'll try to write better in the future ;)
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