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"The gods give just as the gods take away." - Daemon Targaryen, House of the Dragon

Year: 117ac

Location: Winterfell

Wooden Swords clashed together in Godswood Garden. Small grunts and shouts came from the 5 year olds mouth, trying to defend herself from 9 year old Cregan Stark. Cregan moves out of the way from being hit and then hits her softly on her back.

Cregan laughs, looking at her. Dralarys turns around, giving him a glare. "I'm going easy on you because of your age."

Dralarys growls, literally, like a wolf. Or an attempt like a wolf. Her teeth were not normal in any shape or form. Her dentures were pointy and sharp. If she bit anyone, she could easily rip out the skin and make them bleed. Only her two front teeth and two of the bottom were normal. The rest were not.

When she first got her teeth, Lord Rickon had wondered if Targaryens had always had their teeth this way. He almost never paid any attention into teeth before when speaking to another person. That was until she began to grow out the rest of her teeth. Cregan thought they were unique and special. "Like her baby dragon." He would say.

7 months in, Dralarys's dragon hatched from the warm fires that they had surrounding it. They fed it small bits of fish and whatever no one wanted to eat. The Dragon grew largely each month and year.

Even at 1 years old, they had to keep the dragon outside of the walls because the dragon had no longer fit. All left overs of meat and bones were discarded to the nameless dragon.

Dralarys had lost another fight against Cregan Stark. She forfeited, putting the wooden sword on her back. "You win again, Creg."

Cregan smiles. "Don't worry. I'll make a warrior out of you yet. Now come on. Feeding Dragon Time."

Dralarys frowns having to defeatedly walk over to him so that she could receive a pat on the head before the both of them walk back into town. It was Cregan's way of saying, "Next time." But the next time she would always lose. She was always determined to strike him, but right now at this age? No chance.

Just a few feet away from the walls, Dralary's dragon waited for her. Dralarys always had help from Cregan to drag the left over barrels of food from the town on the daily. Dralarys and Cregan tipped over the barrel and watched the dragon eat.

Cregan turns over to her. "Have you decided on a name at all?"

"I decided. You hated it."

"Mirrolax is not a good name."

Dralarys frowns at him. "See? I can't decide."

"Just name him after me." He said sticking his tongue out.

Dralarys stuck her tongue out to him.

They both laughed afterwards.

Dralarys sighed. "I'm not so sure what to name him. I'm not good with names. You know that. I'm 5."

"Well... as a 9 year old... I think it's time to name him, no?"

"Like what?"

He hummed for a moment, thinking to himself. "Dragan." He blurred out.

Dralarys raised a brow. "Dragan?"

"Yeah. It's your name and my name together."

"It sounds like Dragon. You want to name my dragon, Dragan. Sounds like Dragon."

"Yeah, but when you say it like that, sure. But when I say it, it sounds like Day-Gan."

"That is dumb. And that's saying something from a 5 year old."

Dragons Bane || Cregan StarkHikayelerin yaşadığı yer. Şimdi keşfedin