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"What Do We Say To The God Of Death?" — Syrio Forel, Game of Thrones.

Year: 128ac

Location: Dragonstone

The Sea water clashed against the rocks below the castle grounds and towards the beach.

The Clouds had covered the daylight skies from above.

But above the clouds, Dragons flew with their riders.

Valgan was the first to get below the clouds. Seconds later, Vermax and Arrax followed behind.

Dralarys kept her upper body against Valgan while she held onto his spikes. Vermax and Arrax try to keep up. Valgan folded back his wings, keeping them at his side at all times. Valgan's fall had gone from quick to quicker.

Just about when Valgan was about to hit the beach, he spread his arms, pulling himself up to land ever so gracefully.

By the time Dralarys had gotten off from Valgan, Vermax and Arrax had just landed.

Lucerys, now 10 years old, and Jacaerys, now 14 years old, had jumped off from their dragons due to their dragons sizes.

Dralarys walked up towards them with a smile, having to feel Valgan fly away towards the top of the hill side.

Lucerys shook his head. "No fair. You cheated."

"Did not."

"You have the bigger dragon."

"I already raced you with your dragon, Lucerys. I win every time."

Jacaerys nods. "I'll agree with Dray on this."

All began to walk back home together. Lucerys still had questions. "How is it that you are able to win all the time, with or without your dragon?"

"It's not the dragon." Dralarys had walked in front of them, how having to walk backwards to face them. "It's the rider." Lucerys and Jacaerys pay close attention. "Arrax and Vermax trust that you are their owners. Your bond with them makes them feel what you feel. Whether it's the size of the dragons, it's the trust they have to believe in you. That's how I was able to win with everyone's dragons, including Valgan."

"So... skill has nothing to do with it?"

Dralarys scoffs. "Well... that too, but no one taught me how to fly a dragon, let alone do what I did until I moved here with your mother."

Lucerys chuckles. "I'll have to keep training then. Soon enough, I'll win against you."

"I believe you can evade anyone, Luke. You just have to be aware and focus. Do not be afraid. Do not hold back. If you trust that Arrax is strong and fast, he will believe it like he believed it with me." Lucerys took that into consideration. "Now... last one home is a rotten dragons egg!" Dralarys shouts having to turn back around and sprint.

Jacaerys and Lucerys wasted no time racing back home.

In the middle of Rhaenyra's and Daemon's discussion at the center of the Great Hall within the castle, echoes of laughter and heavily breathing are heard when the doors had opened.

A soon-to-be 16 year old Dralarys had dropped down on her knees, followed by her back against the cold stone floors within the Great Hall. Jacaerys had barely won second within the race. Lastly was Lucerys as he was trying to catch his breath while having his hands on his knees.

Dralarys had her eyes closed, also trying to catch her breath. "I—-I win."

Jace laughs. "Yeah-yeah."

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