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"I must learn to be content with being happier than I deserve." - Pride & Prejudice

Year: 119ac

Location: Godswood Garden, Winterfell

Daemon had left back to his home a few days ago. Apparently not Kings Landing, but he did not say where to.

"Remember these words. Train your dragon to use them." Daemon tells her while they were alone in Godswood. She nods. "Dracarys." Almost like her name. "This means Dragon Fire. If your dragon does not know how to shoot fire to defend himself or let alone hunt, he will die."

Dralarys was quick with her response. "He knows. He's never been told by me."

Daemon just stares at her and moves on. "Sōvegon. This means Fly." He now points Left. "Geptot." Right. "Paktot." Up. "Bē." Down. "Ilagon."

Dralarys sighed to herself, not wanting to repeat these words. She is 7 years too late for High Valyrian Language training. Let alone Dragon Training. "Why are you here, Daemon." Not once saying Uncle towards him. Didn't hurt him at all. You can't blame her either. "I know you do not want to be here."

"You're right. I do not. But seeing how I received a letter from Lord Rickon Stark's wife's death, I needed to check up on him. Gave my condolences to him." Rejection. That is all she will ever be. Dralarys, the Rejected, Targaryen. "He's raised you well."

"He has."

Daemon felt like he was speaking to an adult. For Dralarys, she was sure acting and speaking like one. "I plan to make a stop to Kings Landing. Would you like me to pass along a message to your father?"

"My father?" She scoffs looking away, having a hand on her hip. "My father is here, in the North with my people. House Stark. Lord Rickon Stark of Winterfell."

"You are a Targaryen."

"I am a Stark." Dralarys looks up at Daemon. Daemon see's that she is holding up this conversation. "Raised by wolves. I am a wolf."

"You have a dragon. Wolves do not have Dragons."

"I was lucky. Why are you pushing this? I do not know you. You do not know me." Daemon kept quiet. Dralarys never looks away. Daemon was instantly reminded of how scarcely close Dralarys looked like Rhaenyra, but had more of Aemma's look. A mixture of both. Where this attitude came from... it was not anyone, but her own. "This is my home. My father is here." Daemon, silenced. "Thank you for stopping by."

Dralarys made her way to walk by him, but he grabbed her by the wrist. Dralarys faced him. He was close, but not an uncomfortable amount. Dralarys slightly opened her mouth to say something, but nothing was needed to be said. She had said what had to be said. "Interesting." Was all he could muster out before letting her go.

Dralarys never saw him say goodbye to Rickon Stark. Rickon Stark never asked her what Daemon had to say to her.

Location: Woods of Winterfell

Cregan and Dralarys were out hunting. This was Dralarys first time. They've been out in the woods for quite some time since before the sun came up.

Dralarys had been preying on a deer.

The Sun was at its peak, barely being able to see since the clouds were covering the sun, but the light was enough for them. She was covered in snow for a while.

There it was, The Deer, just far enough for the arrow to reach.

Cregan watched Dralarys lock on to her sight of the deer. Slowly crawling up the small hill of snow. Bow is taken out along with one arrow. Cregan paid close attention. The 5 men behind them made no sound for they were there to witness Dralarys Targaryen's first kill.

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