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"What more could I lose?" - Thor. Avengers: Infinity War.

Years: 124ac

Location: White Harbor

Month of the Evening Star. (December)

It has been 4 months since Cregan, Arra, Brandeth, Sara, and Dralarys had escaped Winterfell before anything could have possibly happened to them. A month after their escape, two brothers of Arra had come to join them, also leaving without being seen by the Guards.

Brax Norrey, 15.

Terrick Norrey, 14.

The Lord of White Harbor had taken them all in as he accepted Cregan Stark as the true Lord of Winterfell. Hard work was needed to be done in exchange for them staying in White Harbor.

Although hardly anyone had seen a Dragon, they knew not to go near it.

Cregan, Brax, Terrick, and Brandeth would go out and chop wood while the girls remained in town and cooked and served in Taverns.

During their free time, They all had taken part in building their own house, slightly away from the Harbor so that Dralarys's Dragon could stay close with them. This took about a month and a half to complete since Arra's brothers had come and the home expanded by two more rooms.

While Dralarys decided not to sleep in her bed, she left to be by her dragon with a fire pit on. Dralarys leaned against Valgan while Valgan slept peacefully. Valgan was like a big dog to anyone who Dralarys favored. But make no mistake. A Dragon is still a dragon.

Cregan could not find himself to sleep at this time in the night and instead went out to see if anyone was awake. What he found as Dralary's door slightly opened, but her not in her bed.

Grabbing his coat, he left the house and saw a fire pit just 100 yards from their home.

Dralarys's attention perked up when she heard someone making their way towards them. Valgan made no move. Dralarys had no reason to fear.

Cregan Stark appeared from the darkness and into the light of the fire. "May I sit?" He asked. Dralarys tilts her head over, signaling for him to sit next to her. Cregan does so, taking off his coat and covering the both of them. "What has gotten you awake and not in bed at this hour?"

"I should be asking you that."

"Fair enough." Cregan sighs. The warmth of Valgan kept their backs warm. "I had too much in mind."

"Likewise." She replied, staring at the fire before them.

"What are you thinking?"

Dralarys had another dream just before making her way to be with Valgan.

It was of Winterfell.

Dragons burning the snow below them. Enemies who rotted away, fighting to get over the walls. Men fighting back to keep the walls safe. Fire surrounding Winterfell.

Dralarys sighed to herself. "Raising an army." Was all she could muster.

"I want Winterfell back just as much as you do, Dralarys."

"We should have taken it when we had the chance." Which was true. It was 4 against the two of them plus Valgan. "The longer we wait here... who knows what can happen to us. All of us."

"Kesan daor ivestragī zirȳ ōdrikagon īlva." (I will not let them hurt us.) Cregan says to her in Valyrian. Dralarys turns to look at him. She's been teaching him since his fathers death. This was their language. Just the two of them. If Cregan said something in Valyrian, he meant it.

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