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"We were like silent, clear skies. Beautifully unpredictable. But like any clear sky, we didn't know that we were just the calm before the storm." - Unknown

Year: 132ac

Location: Winterfell

Two horses ran behind the other.

One had the advantage from the distance since it had taken off first.

The other had tried to catch up.

Cregan Stark repeatedly called for Dralarys attention to stop running away from him, but she continued on. She knew if she had stopped, she would have instantly stayed in Winterfell, never leaving for King's Landing.

Life in Winterfell has never been bad... well... there was a time where they had to leave due to family relations, but they won their home back.

Out in an open field, Dralarys had jumped off Brandeth's horse, quickly trying to get her belongings.

Cregan had caught up once she had started running, blocking her path.

Valgan was not in the open field.

"Stop!" Cregan shouts. Dralarys tries to go right or left, but Cregan had moved his horse. "What is wrong! Why are you running!"

Her mind was screaming to tell him everything. "Go home, Cregan!"

Those words made no sense to him at all. "Yes! Let's go home!"

"No. Not with me. Without me."

Cregan got down from his horse, standing in the way of her path. "What is wrong!" Not another word. "Dralarys!" Again. Nothing. Cregan was not understanding what was happening.

These last few years have been perfect for the couple. Spending time together when they could. She helped him raise Rickon as if she were the mother of his child along with another child. They were engaged!

"I should have never come back. This was a mistake."

"Mistake? Mistake?!"

The Targaryen Princess nods. "Yes!" In a way... she had ruined things between them. Keeping many secrets apart from him. All because she loves him.


There was no turning back from this. Not ever. "Cregan, I am married." Cregan did not believe this. Not even for a second. In his mind, she was trying to hurt him. "It is true."

He shook his head. "Lies."

"No. Not lies. The truth." Cregan watched her carefully. With what reason did she have to lie? He did not like this at all. "The day that Brax had announced that you had been married to Arra—-" That name had pained him to hear. "—-I left Winterfell. Two days after, I had wed." Cregan refused to accept this. His eyes avoided hers. If he continued to look at them, he knew that she would be telling the truth. "I promised to return back to him when he had become an adult. He will soon be one in a few days time and I will be there when it happens."

Cregan had stayed. His breathing tried to remain as normal as possible, but this was too much to bare. "You married to spite me?"

"No. I married to keep my family together. You would not understand—-"

For the first time, Cregan Stark was angry at her. "I would have understood if you had told me!" Dralarys knew she was at fault here. "Why keep this from me?"

There was still much to keep from him.

"Because, I love you." Dralarys had never told him that before. Those three simple words. Now it sounded like venom.

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