Chapter 9 - Bulletproof

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"Stop!" I scream, running away which proves to be difficult in the sand.

Kian runs after me with the water gun, shooting me in the back with the icy water.

I was laying down on the beach working on my tan, Kian next to me. I didn't notice that he disappeared, coming back with a huge water gun filled with freezing water, squirting my stomach with it.

I ran away, but obviously that doesn't help when he has a gun that can probably shoot up to twenty feet or more.

I v-cut my running path, Kian quickly noticing.

I keep running, but get my foot sunk deep in the sand, stopping my escape.

This causes Kian to run right into me, and I fall over, him falling on top of me. I laugh, nearly face-planting into the sand.

"Gotcha," Kian teases.

I stick my tongue out at him, his face only inches from mine. He kisses my nose, but makes no move to get off of me.

"Hmm, I can only imagine some of the wonderful things that can happen with me on top of you," he remarks.

I smack his arm and he makes an exaggerated pained face.

I push him and roll over on top of him.

"Okay, if you don't want me making suggestive comments, you're going to have to get off me. 'Cause I can think of even better things where you're on top." He winks at me.

I get off if him, standing up and rolling my eyes, brushing the sand off of me legs and arms.

"Here." Kian begins helping me brush the sand off of me, swatting at my back, and then the back of my legs.

I turn around and he puts his hand on my waist, looking down at me. The water gun is in his other hand, and I come up with a quick plan.

With one hand, I pull him down to me by resting it on his neck. I stand up tall on my toes, kissing him softly.

I smile a bit right before I rip the gun out of his hands and quickly step back from him.

"Woah!" Kian holds his hands up in surrender, cautiously looking back and forth from me to my hands holding the gun.

"The tables have turned," I say evilly. I smirk at him and he tries to hold back a smile. "I'm in charge."

He raises his eyebrows. "Seriously? How can I not comment on that! You're walking into that door!" He exclaims.

"Head out of the gutter, Kian," I tease.

He rolls his eyes and I take a step forward, which he mirrors by taking a step back.

"Easy babe, that's dangerous," he says, trying to save himself from the chilly water.

I take another step towards him, enjoying the adorable look on Kian's face.

He doesn't step back this time, continuing to hold his hands up as if to ward me off.

I step closer, lowering the gun slightly.

He smirks at me, stepping closer, quickly moving in and grabbing my vacant hand, pulling it to him and placing it in his bare chest.

My eyes wander to where my hand rests and I slowly move my hand down his toned chest, feeling the valleys if his abs.

I step closer, feeling incredibly attracted to him. More so than usual.

My eyes trail up to his eyes. His eyes are darkened in lust, probably like mine. I lean up and my lips come in contact with his jaw. I can feel him smiling before he tilts his head down, crashing his lips to mine.

This kiss is longer than one we've ever had before. Well, at least longer than normal kisses, we've made out for like ten minutes before.

One of his hands goes to the back of my head, threading his fingers in my hair. The other hand finds its way to my waist, pulling me close to him.

My hand trails from his chest to his neck, playing with the hair that's cut short at the top of it.

The other hand eventually drops the water gun, tracing its way up his arm, placing itself on his cheek.

I bite playfully at his lip and smile into the kiss.

"Get a room!" I hear someone yell at us.

Kian slowly pulls away, his eyes searching for whoever said it. I kiss along his jaw, laughing.

He smirks, grabbing my hand and the gun, handing it to me. He leads me to the walkway that leads away from the beach.

There's a young boy, probably fourteen, staring at us.

"Thanks kid! Great idea. We'll go get a room," Kian remarks, winking at the kid.

The kid looks at him disgustedly. Kian smirks, releasing my hand and wrapping his arm around me. He bends down and kisses my forehead and I wrap my arm around his waist as we walk off the beach.

*Emily's POV*

"Get a room!" I hear a kid say, about fifteen feet away from me.

I look up and see a couple kissing.

Once they stop kissing, the boy, much taller than the girl, looks up.

It's Kian.

The girl continues to kiss his jaw, and I see the laughter in his eyes.

He grabs her hand and leads her away, and when she turns around, I see a familiar face.

Madison Banks.

Why is she with my Kian?

He leads her towards the exit of the beach, yelling: "Thanks kid! Great idea. We'll get a room."

He leads her away, sparking jealousy in my veins.

That whore!

Why is he with her? Why is she with him? I warned her!

I still love him. I wish more than anything that I could take back what I did, but I can't.

I was stupid, and bored.

I went to the teen club, by myself, ready to party. Kian was feeling sick that night, so I went alone.

As soon as I got in, I saw Corey, all alone.

I decided to go up to him and I danced with him. Well, more like danced on him.

We were, bored I guess?

We ended up making out in a corner booth, and afterward we went to my house, and well, you can guess what happened next.

I had told him me and Kian broke up, and I needed him. He believed me.

I felt so guilty, but I couldn't do anything about it. I didn't dare tell Kian.

Corey told Sam, who, of course, told Kian, thus beginning our huge fight and our break up.

Kian wouldn't look at me or Corey, and Corey wouldn't look at me either.

I fucked up, big time.

I have to get him back, no matter what it takes.


Okay! Before any questions are asked, No, Kian and Maddie did not go have sex. And they won't because I doubt I could write that and it not be awko for me and you.

Am I not just awesome? I updated three days in a row! Point for Delilah!

Sorry for the weird chapter title, I'm not very good at naming chapters.

Can anyone guess what will happen next?

Oh and um, vote maybe?

Comment maybe??

Love you guys!

xox -Delilah

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