Chapter 37 - An Old Feeling

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My heart literally stops when I see Kian standing only a few feet away. Why is he here?

I look in between Kian and Drake, who is slowly getting more angry as I can tell by the look on his face. Drake steps closer to Kian, a state down beginning between the two of them.

And I'm just standing there, awkwardly, still trying to figure out what the hell is happening.

"Kian," I say louder this time. His eyes flicker to mine before returning to Drake.

My eyes stay glued to Kian, yet I notice that people around have directed their attention to them. I find it incredibly awkward and embarrassing that I'm the reason this is even happening. I just want to curl up in a corner and hide because of the looks that are being shot at me from a few girls.

I slightly glance over at Drake, and before my eyes are even fully focused on him I see a blur pass close to my face. I don't realize what happened until I hear the smack of skin. I look over and see Kian stumble back, his hand on his jaw. His eyes are flaming with anger, and I can tell he's about to lunge for Drake.

I'm not huge on people fighting, but honestly, I'd love to see Kian and Drake fight. I know that's really bad of me to think that, so that's why I quickly step between the two of them.

"Move, Maddie." Kian doesn't even look at me, his eyes focused over my head.

"Kian, stop it," I say, trying to prevent what could happen.
His jaw clenches and unclenches, his eyes not even near looking at me. His hands are balled up into fists, and his chest is puffed out.

"Kian. Just stop," I repeat, putting my hand on his chest and pushing lightly.

After a few seconds more of him staring at drake over my head, his eyes slowly connect with mine.

"C'mon," I say once I realize his attention is on me. I grab his arm and gently pull him after me, glancing over my shoulder guiltily at Drake, seeing a confused, hurt, but mostly angered expression on his face. People watch us as we walk through the house, but i ignore them. I continue walking, eventually finding a back door and taking Kian out of the house.

The air is cool outside and there is limited light due to the time of the night. I can hear crickets chirping as I close the door.

"What are you doing here?" Kian snaps as soon as the door is shut.

"Excuse me?" I say defensively, not liking his tone. I know we're not dating but I don't take it from anyone. "Why does it matter why I'm here?"

His eyes narrow at my rude tone, and he crosses his arms.

"Because you were kissing that guy!" He yells at me, his temper rising.

I stand there glaring at him. Is he really getting mad because I kissed some guy he doesn't even know?

"Yeah I was! Until you stopped us!" I tell back. Yeah I wasn't enjoying the kiss, but I'm not going to let Kian know that. "I can kiss whoever I want! I don't belong to you! We're not even together anymore Kian!"

I let my voice rise louder and louder, letting out all of the emotions that I'd been feeling in the past two weeks.

"Well apparently you can kiss whoever you want even when we are together!" He retorts angrily.
Ouch. That hurt.

I know I made a mistake, but I'd finally gotten over it. Him saying this opened that wound back up.

I drop my eyes to the ground turning slightly, ashamed to even be around Kian. I blink my eyes rapidly, trying not to start crying. I don't want to cry on front of Kian again.

"I'm sorry," I apologize quietly, turning towards the door, trying to escape this situation.

"Maddie," Kian grabs my arm as I walk to the door, stopping me.
I think about resisting him, but can't find the will to pull away from him.

Slowly, Kian pulls me closer and closer to him. Soon enough, his arms are wrapped around me, embracing me in a tight hug.

We don't say anything for a while, just holding on to each other. His hand rubs small circles on my back, soothing me. I start crying, realizing how much I miss him.
With one last squeeze, he lets me go and backs away from me a little so he can look me in the eyes.

His eyes are soft now, and they look sad and happy at the same time. His hands hold tightly to mine, almost as if he's afraid to let go.

"Maddie, I miss you," he rushes out, his eyes never leaving mine.

Did he really just say that?
Kian misses me? After everything I did?

A rush of warmth courses through my body, and eventually my lips pull up into a smile.

"I miss you too," I reply, my hands starting to shake a bit, but Kian's hands steady them.

His eyebrows raise almost as if in shock, and then he grins. Suddenly, he pulls me to him, pressing his lips against mine.
This kiss is so filled with passion and need that it's impossible for me to get enough. His lips feel like they belong against mine, and I quickly reach up and put a hand in his hair, tugging lightly at it. I want this to go on forever, but of course it comes to an end. He pulls away but stays close to me, placing his forehead against mine.

"Will you forgive me?" I ask quietly, hoping we can be together again.

He nods slowly, a smile spreading on his face.

"Can we just start over?" He asks, reaching up and touching my cheek with his hand.

"Of course."

After these words leave my lips, Kian laughs lightly before leaning in again and kissing me, sending me into a state of pure happiness.

Hey guys!
So first off, I'm so sorry that I've taken this long to update. I've got a lot to deal with lately and honestly don't have much extra time to do what I want.
Yes, I know that it was nearly two weeks but please do not leave comments like "hurry" or "it's been two weeks update already" comments really bug me.
Aside from that.
I love you. Okay?
Thank you sooooo much!

This story is coming to an end. Only a few more chapters and possibly an epilogue.
There will be a sequel! So no worries!
I'm not sure what the plot will be, so comment any ideas you have (which you will get credit if I use.) or you can just inbox them to me! I'm open to all suggestions!

Thank you guys sooo much for everything!!

xox -Delilah

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