Chapter 34 - Another Goodbye

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"Madison, do you want me to take off work?" My dad asks, looking at me with soft eyes. He's so considerate, but I don't think he should take off work for me. He's noticed my somewhat depressed state for the last few days, and I guess that was his way if asking if I was okay.

"No that's okay. Thanks though," I give him a weak smile, standing up from my seat at the breakfast bar, taking my dirty plate and walking to the sink. Once I've placed it in the bottom, I walk back and take my dad's, putting it on top of mine and running water on it.

"Alright, well I'll be leaving then," dad says as I walk to him and hug him. "If you need anything just call me."

I nod as he walks out, and I thrown myself on the couch, grabbing the remote and turning on some doctor who on Netflix.

I've watched about three episodes all the way through when a knock brings me out of it. I stand up slowly, smoothing out my pajamas and walking to the door. Normally I would e worried about my appearance-unbrushed hair, running and smudged make up, and pajamas-but I couldn't really care less.

I swing the door open to a smiling Ryder.

"Why are you still here?" I ask dully, not really in the mood to talk to him. I'm shocked to see him still in California, is figured he left already.

"I planned to be here for a week. I've only been here for five days. I'm leaving tomorrow, okay?" He says in a rude tone, although he looks at me with worried eyes.

I yawn involuntarily, nodding as he pushes past me, heading towards the couch. I slowly close the door and turn towards him. He's standing a few feet away from me, looking at me with curious eyes.

"You broke up then?" He asks, but it's not exactly a question. It's as if he knows.

I look away, the pain tearing away at my chest. Out of the corner of my eye, I see that he nods.

"Maddie," he whispers, moving towards me. I turn away from him, not wanting him to see me cry. Most of all, I just don't trust myself.

His arms wrap strongly around my waist and pull me back to him and tears fall down my cheek.

"Listen, I'm sorry. This is my fault," he says to me as he walks me back to the couch. I wish I had the will to care about being this close to him, but guilt and sadness overcome my good sense.

"No," I say quietly after a few minutes. "It's not your fault."

My hands are placed in my lap and my eyes are closed, not wanting to see anything but darkness. Ryder sits next to me on the couch, placing a hand over mine. This makes me open my eyes, looking a him.

"I didn't have to tell him. I should have just let you," he explains, but I shake my head. He's wrong. "No, just listen."

I look at him and tell him with my eyes that he can continue without my interruption.

"Madison, you deserve to be happy, even if its not with me." His voice is sad as he talks, but his eyes show that he's being sincere. A tear slips down my face and his eyes follow it until he wipes it away. "As much as I hate to believe it, you've moved on from me. As far as I can tell, Kian is a great guy and you deserve him. You love him Maddie."

At the mention of Kian and my love for him, I bite my tongue to hold back a sob.

Ryder saying all of this is heartbreaking. We were the perfect couple. We hardly ever got into a fight and if we did, we made up within no time. Here he is, telling me I should be with another guy. He's admitting that he recognizing me loving Kian.

I nod and the tears start to flow quicker down my face. Ryder's eyes show sadness, and he pulls me in for a hug.

"I'm sorry Maddie," he whispers to me, rubbing circles on my back.

This simple action shows me just how much Ryder really cares for me.

We dated for nearly three years, and he's giving me up to another guy. He sees how much Kian means to me and realizes that I can't be his any more.

For some reason I just now realize what a wonderful person Ryder is.

I pull away from the hug and give him a small smile. He smiles back before standing up and leaving me on the couch.

"Goodbye Maddie," he says, walking out the front door.


Short chapter! Wooo hooo!

'Cause you know everyone gets excited for those, right??




Okay. Now that I got that out if the way, here's my explanation for yet another short chapter.

I'm busy.

Plus wattpad is not my entire life and I have other things to do. I would really like to spend most if my time writing, but unfortunately I'm only 15. That's why I can't wait until I grow up and make my living as an author! Then I can spend whenever I want writing!

Otherwise, I would like to give you guys a HUGE thanks for being the best readers ever! I would never have gotten to the top O2L and Kian Lawley list. I love you guys so much!

And that's why I'm sad to say that this story will soon be wrapping to an end.

But not quite yet!

I PROMISE that the next chapter will be at least three pages! And will most likely have Kian's point of view included:)


xox -Delilah

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