Chapter 32 - Wreck

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***Kian's POV***

Three days ago, the girl I thought I loved shattered everything.

I left her alone in a room with her ex-boyfriend, trusting her to handle the situation the way I would expect her to. I trusted that she would tell him that she was seeing someone else.

But no, she didn't.

Instead, she kissed him. He didn't kiss her, no, she kissed him. She initiated it. As much as I'd like to believe that Ryder was only saying that to enrage me, the look in her eyes told me he wasn't lying.

Ryder came into the living room after I faintly hear Maddie tell him to leave, so I expected him to be walking towards the front door. Instead, he turned to me with a smirk on his face.

"You're Maddie's boyfriend, eh?" He said smugly. I gave him a confused yet cautious look. I nodded slowly, standing up. "Well, she kissed me."

His words caused my heart to stop.

She kissed him?

I gave him a glare, angry that he even dared to touch her.

"That's right! She kissed me! All I had to do was kiss back," he said with a smirk, his eyes taunting me.

That sent me off the edge. I couldn't bare the thought of anyone being with Maddie besides me, and at that moment I knew I loved her.

She threw it all away.

Ryder and I went into a fight where we yelled at each other, trying to see who was better, and it resulted in Ryder punching me. I stumbled back a bit, but it wasn't like I hadn't been decked before, so I could handle it. I reared back to knock him out and he did the same. Unfortunately Maddie stepped in between us, putting her hands on Ryder's chest and pushing him away. Then she ordered him out. Right before he left he turned to give me one last glare.

At that point, I was on the verge of tears, but I couldn't let them fall. I didn't want Maddie to see me cry. She turned towards me and tried to explain, but I couldn't handle it. I pushed past her, not allowing her to speak much before I cut her off. My voice cracked due to me nearly crying. I know I'm a guy and I'm supposed to be strong and act like it didn't effect me, but it did. I'd been cheated on before, but this didn't even compare. I thought I loved her. No, scratch that. I knew I loved her.

Right before I left, I heard her say something that tears my heart from me.

"Kian, I love you, okay? I made a mistake!"

I left without even looking back because if I looked at her I would go right back to her.


Three days ago, Maddie cheated on me.

As much as I'd like to say that I didn't cry so that I look more manly, I can't. Because I did cry. I went home on my skateboard and cried for a while.

Over the next few days, I nearly called her ten times, desperate to hear her voice and let everything go back to normal. But every time I was about to hit the call button, I saw Ryder in my mind, and I quickly went against calling her.

I tried to act like I didn't care, but I just couldn't. I love her. And she loves me.

At least I think she does, she said she did. But now, after what she did, I don't know if that was true or not.

Today I decide that I have to get up and do something and stop moping around like a lost puppy. But I guess I am sort of like a lost puppy. I got so into the routine of seeing her often and asking her about her day and kissing her. Now, I don't know what to do without her.

At about two-thirty, I'm finally showered and dressed, so I head out, grabbing my skate board and skate around on sidewalks for a while. This helps me clear my mind, and I enjoy the feeling of the wind hitting my skin, raising goosebumps.

I ride along the sidewalks around the neighborhood, seeing a few kids playing soccer together in their from yard. One small girl plays with a group of guys, and honestly, she's better than the guys at the sport. She kicks the ball, sending it flying towards the goalie. The boy defending the goal reaches out, trying to stop the ball from going past him and passing the stick they're using as the goal, but he fails. The black and white ball makes the goal, and the girl and her teammates do a small cheer.

For some reason, seeing this reminds me of Madison. She's always hanging out with guys rather than girls since she claims that girls are too much drama. Also, the few times she's played volleyball at the beach with me and other guys, she always whipped us. That's why when she played with us, the team captains always fought over who would get her on their team. I feel sadness and realization churn in my stomach at the thought.

I push my skateboard to go faster, passing the scene with the athletic girl. I see some more kids playing outside, running from each other in a game of tag, or playing hopscotch on the sidewalk, so I have to swerve to miss them.

I keep going faster and faster, pushing the ground with my right foot. I feel the bumps when I pass over each section of the concrete, but I keep going faster, regardless.

Eventually, I turn a corner, pushing myself faster. By now I'm headed in the direction of my house again, pushing against the ground to increase my speed. My mind is clear as I ride, which proves to be dangerous. As I make the last turn to get to my street, I hit a very large crack in the sidewalk. This sends me flying off of my skateboard and onto the concrete. I thrust my arms in front of me so I catch myself, and when I hit the ground, pain shoots up both of them. Despite my arms, I hit my face against the concrete, skidding forward a few feet. I also bite my tongue accidentally. My knees also throb in pain from the contact.

I groan loudly at the pain shooting in basically every part of my body, rolling over onto my back. Slowly, I reach up and touch my chin, feeling a warm sticky liquid on my fingers. I close my eyes for a second at the pain all over me, not wanting to move.

"Mister? Are you okay?" I hear a small voice say from my left. I slowly peel my eyes open and turn my head, seeing a small red headed girl peering at me with wide eyes.

"I'm okay," I tell her. "It's just a scratch." I give her the best smile I can without cringing due to pain in my face.

The girl looks at me oddly, as though she doesn't believe me, then turns around and walks off. She glances over her shoulder once more at me before she disappears into her house.

I lay there on the concrete for another few minutes, waiting for some of the pain to dull down. I examine my arms and hands, seeing bleeding scrapes all over my arms, but thankfully nothing is broken.

Finally, I stand up and begin to walk to my house, limping a little bit.

I have to keep wiping at my face an mouth so that it won't run down my chin, so I pull my shirt up and dab at it. Due to me biting my tongue, my mouth also has quite a bit of blood in it. It tastes metallic almost, and it's disgusting.

I finally come upon my house and I drop my skateboard carelessly, walking into the house. When I close the door behind me, I see Sam and Maddie both in my living room, staring at me with wide eyes.


I decided to just do kian's POV because I wanted to update earlier than I intended because the last chapter got freaking 100 votes. I tried to make this long, I don't k is if I succeeded. But please, do not comment telling me it was short, I know that.

But thank you for all the nice comments and votes! Keep 'em coming!:)

Oh, and do me a favor and check out "Caught Up", my fanfic that has the same characters as this, yet follows Felicity's story. Please vote and comment on that too?

xox -Delilah

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