meeting the moon

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I stood still. I wanted to analyze him for a moment. it looks as if he was doing the same. 

he looked like Sun but definitely wasn't him. Sun had bright yellows and oranges all over with red and yellow striped pants. how as moon had soothing purples and blues. he had blue pants with bright stars. however, something that Moon has that Sun doesn't is the blue sleeping cap placed on his head. (is he balled?). the thought made me chuckle a bit. 

"Hm? Is there something funny little star?" he tilted his head a bit. "Oh no no I'm sorry" I quickly apologize (oh jeez don't mess this up! You're going to be working with him from now on). I extended my hand out to him "I'm y/n! I'm your new assistant." For a moment we both stood there staring at each other. then he took a step closer and grabbed my hand. planting a kiss on my knuckles before he looked at me. "I know star. I know a lot more than you think." 

after he spoke he just calmly walked away without another word. (Well that caught me off guard) I quickly try to catch up to him wanting to continue the somewhat conversation we had going for a moment. With it being quite dark in the daycare I couldn't see much. So I was bound to trip and fall on something or someone and it happened. While trying to catch up to him I tripped on a kid's toy and landed smack dab on the ground. "Ouch! Jeez, that hurt" While I was looking at the ground and whispering to myself I felt someone place a hand on my shoulders. 

"Are you ok star? You took quite a tumble" his voice was so calm and controlled. Nothing compared to Sun with his excited, upbeat tone. It was interesting. When I looked up to face Moon he was looming above me while standing just behind me holding my shoulders. "yea I'm ok don't worry! I just hit my head a little is all" he looked at me questioningly before he walked in front of me extending his hand out to me. "Well at least let me help you up"  he chuckles.

I reach out my hand to grab him and he swiftly pulls me off the floor with ease. "Thank you mo-" Suddenly I was pulled into a hug. (What is up with these two and hugging?) We stood there for a moment with me still stuck in his grasp. "Moon, what are we doing?" "You'll see". then I heard a click sound come from behind Moon. "Uh, what's going on?" Moon didn't respond to my question. All he did was look at me and say.. "Hold on tight" 

Within an instant, we were both shot up in the air. I tried to yell but before I could Moon placed his finger to my mouth. "Shhhh your okay I promise" I couldn't help but calm down when his voice was so promising and gentle. when I finally was calm Moon started souring around the daycare. even though the height was pretty scary I couldn't pay much attention to it because everything else caught my attention. the little plastic stars that would activate when the lights were off, the little light that would come from the neon strips around the place, and the view just in general was eye-catching. dare I say that a dimly lit daycare filled with children sleeping was a pretty sight to see. 

after a little while Moon had sat me back on the ground and had let me go. I don't know why felt the need to hug him but I did. "Thank you Moon that was lovely to see" Moon stood with shock on his face. not knowing what to do "your very welcome little star but it couldn't have been that great" I looked at him and spoke again "Of course it was! All the colors and everything. The stars on the ceiling are probably my favorite." giving him one last gentle squeeze before I let go. fixing my uniform in the process.

I look down at my watch "Well I guess we stopped at the right time. Nap time is almost over." Both I and Moon walk over to the light switch. Before I turn them off I look at him "I guess this is where we say our farewells then." "Only for now star." he took a bow then looked back up. "Goodbye, my star". before I could even process what he said the lights turned on automatically. filling the room with bright fluorescent. but that wasn't the only thing that filled the room. kids had woken up and whined a bit.

(my... star? Hmm that's interesting)

A/N: Yes I did in fact have to put the bald comment in here. it just had to be done.

enjoy the delulu my children

~solar love~ (Sun/Moon x female reader)Where stories live. Discover now