the unexpected

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I awake to my alarm and to my surprise, also in my bed. I look around the darkness of my room in search of Moon. but nothing (I guess he must have gotten up earlier). I decided to push that aside and wipe the sleep from my eyes. Once I was awake enough I started to get ready for the day. I took a shower, got dressed, and started to make some breakfast. I was sitting down at my table with my food when I heard i knock on my door. "Hello?" a pause "Uh hey sunshine! Can I come in?" he sounded nervous "Yeah of course! Come in!". The door opened slowly and his arm peeks threw. Turning on the lights that I forgot were still off. Once the room was flooded with light, Sun walked in. "good morning sunshine! How was your first night in your new room?" I stretched my arms "It was really nice and peaceful" I took a big bite out of my breakfast. "What are you eating there?" Sun plopps down on the floor next to my chair. "Oh, I'm just eating a bowl of cereal" I eat the last couple of bites of my breakfast and put the dish in the sink. "Alright! Let's get this day started shall we?" 

we both walk out of my room and start to head down to the main floor. Sun was oddly quiet for his usual talkative self. (I wonder if something is wrong) I stop walking for a moment and clear my throat "Hey Sun, is everything alright? You aren't as talkative as normal." Sun paused along with me and looked back at me. he waved his hands in front of his face "No no everything is fine! just an early morning is all!" I checked my watch for the time (hm I guess he's right. I haven't been at the daycare this early before. I wonder if he's not a very morning person. How ironic) I giggled to my thoughts grabbing the attention of Sun once again. "what's so funny sunshine?" I calm myself before speaking again "Oh it's just.. you aren't a morning person and I find that a bit ironic is all" I give him a soft smile to soothe his worry. he flashes me a smile back before we start on our journey to the main floor.

once we had both gotten to the floor we each started doing our normal routine for the mornings and it was quite peaceful. that is until we heard the big door open at the check-in counter. I gave Sun a heads-up before heading back upstairs. (It is a bit early for drop-offs already I wonder who it could be?). once I had gotten to the check-in counter I noticed a familiar little girl and her mom. "y/n! I missed you!" Millie came running up to me and practically jumped into my arms. "hi there mills! how are you doing this morning?" I had Millie now in my arms, carrying her back to her mother while she was talking my ear off. "well it really seems she likes you huh?" the woman I had briefly met before named Lizzie spoke. She extends her hand to me "Hi I'm Millie's mom Lizzie. it's nice to formally meet you." With Millie still in my other arm, I extend my hand to give her a handshake back. "it's nice to meet you as well! not to intrude or anything but it's pretty early for drop-offs right now. any specific reason why you showed up so early?" Lizzie retracts her hand "Oh no intrusion at all! I know how this might look but I'm simply here to conversate with you darlin!" (oh well that nickname just hit me like a ton of bricks. I can already feel the heat at my face) "hey millie, do you wanna head down the slide and hang out for a bit with Sun while I talk with your mother?" she looks at me and aggressively nods her head. "alright well tell Mr.Sun when you go down there that ill be there in a bit okay?" again she nods her head before I set her down and watch as she scurries to the slide and disappears into the colorful tube. 

I direct Lizzie to sit on the couch that is off to the side to talk. once we had both settled she piped up "So I come to ask you out on a date of sorts. you know one of those girl's night out kind of thing." she caught me completely off guard with her words "That Is if you would like to hang out with me. the first time I saw you playing with all those kids and how you acted with adults just seemed so friendly and I need that kind of energy in my life. plus even if I do have a daughter, we look to be the same age so... how about it huh?" I was completely star-struck for a moment. no one really has ever asked to hang out with me before. especially no one like Lizzie. She looks like one of those people who should be on the cover of a magazine but yet nice as if she worked at an animal shelter. so in short.. someone who shouldn't be talking to someone like me, let alone ask me if I want to hang out. "oh well that sounds like a lot of fun! I would love to hang out!" 

after a bit of me and Lizzie talking I found out some really cool information! lizzie was in fact around my age. she is actually only 2 years older than I am. She then went on to tell me that she had Millie in high school with her then-boyfriend before she found out he was cheating on her and left him. which did leave her a young single mother but she assured me and has quite proven it to me that she is very well off on her own with millie. she told me she graduated high school and got a well-paying job to support herself and mils. she was so cool. once our conversation started to come to an end she invited me to go out to a couple of bars this weekend and I gladly accepted. I was practically skipping to the main floor with how happy and excited I was. Even Sun noticed it when I walked in. I mean. Sun notices everything but still. "well hello Sunshine! you seemed to have had a lovely conversation with Lizzie." I hopped into my chair and spun around to face Sun who was now also behind the desk. "oh I did! She actually invited me out to a couple of bars this weekend to hang out with me! oh, I'm so excited! I've never really had an adult friend before and Lizzie is just so cool!" I was bouncing up and down in my chair in pure happiness. Sun gave an idolizing look at me. "well I'm very excited for you Sunflower" I stopped for a moment and looked at him. I could tell my face was a little flushed but I didn't really mind much "Well that's a new nickname" I commented "Oh well you know whenever your like this, you look like a new sunflower blooming. That's what you remind me of anyway" he smiled again before getting up and leaving to play with Millie. I felt like my heart stopped. (ugh the way he uses his words is so poetic!) I was acting like a teenager with her first crush at my desk for a bit until I could calm down.

the day passes by as normal and everyone leaves the daycare with the right parent with no problems. today was actually going very well! I was waiting for the moment that made it all come crashing down. turns out I didn't need to wait much longer. I and Sun had been cleaning the daycare for a bit and we were almost completely done. Sun was finishing up some organizing and I was finishing the rest of the paperwork for today when we heard the door up front swing open causing a loud bang when the handle hit the wall. I never thought someone would be strong enough to even push that door to the wall but when we heard the bang Sun and I gave a look to one another. something deep inside me was causing some anxiety but I didn't know why. I mean someone had come into the daycare unexpectedly earlier that morning and I didn't feel threatened whatsoever. but something about this moment caused me to be frightened of what was over at the door. I would soon realize why the arua made me feel so sick. Sun had realized I wasn't doing the best and quickly came to my side behind the desk. we heard some more banging and stomping coming closer to the main floor door which just so happened to be right by the desk. I did not feel very safe but Sun had stepped in front of me, putting him between me and whatever was behind that door. soon we both heard banging on the door. "I'm sorry but the daycare is closed! it will be opened tomorrow at 9 so if you left something behind be sure to check in tomorrow!" the banging stopped once Sun had spoken but he knew better than to think the person had left with such simple words. it was quiet for a while until they spoke. a chill ran up my spine. I knew that voice. "y/n... I know your in there. be a good girl now and let your poor poor girlfriend in hm?" 

I felt my breath hitch in my throat. I had completely forgotten about the note that she had sent. she knew I was here. and she was here to go back home... with me in hand.

~solar love~ (Sun/Moon x female reader)Where stories live. Discover now