not a chapter but an update!

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hello, my darlings! I just wanted to give you all an update about you know. me going silent for almost a week haha. well, I try to keep my personal life off of the internet but I figured why not you know? anyways cutting to the chase. I took a short mental break from this because my cat had died recently. and when she passed I still kept pushing out chapters every day. which was not the best decision at the time. once I felt like I was hitting my breaking point I thought it was best for me to step away for a bit. but I am back! I'm not fully okay yet but I'm sure with time things will start to feel better and I genuinely think this story is helping me threw it. giving me an outlet of sorts. so even though I'm still very sad over my cat's passing I will be returning to updating every day! there might be some days I don't get one out but I'm sure I will make up for it in some way! and I would just like to note that I probably won't update most weekends but I will if I have the time. 

Anyway, I just want to say that I appreciate those who are here and reading my story. I may not have a lot of reach but slowly seeing the views go up on here always makes me so very happy.

don't be afraid to interact with me in the comments! I love to hear feedback, comments, suggestions, and ideas! 

anyways toodaloo my darlings!

-sugar out 😊

~solar love~ (Sun/Moon x female reader)Where stories live. Discover now