A Game Of House

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{pov Sun}

the lights flicker on and I'm brought out of my sleep mode. to see a sleeping y/n in my arms. I could hear my fans turn on. (shes so pretty) I smile while looking at her.

"what are you doing Sun"

"just looking! isn't she so pretty!" I was met with silence from Moon

"You're being creepy. stop staring at her. what if she woke and saw you just staring"

"Don't worry Moony I already scanned her. shes in a deep sleep"

"god. you are creepy aren't you" Moon started to cackle at me 

"Nono! I'm not creepy!" there was more silence from Moon but also me now. I just wanted to look at her. everything about her is just so mesmerizing.

"Why do you like her so much Sun." Moon broke the silence again with a question I didn't expect. but it was valid. (why do I like her so much?) I didn't answer Moon for a moment. I was thinking. 

"she treats us like something more than just metal and code. She sees us for who we are. shes gentle and kind. I feel safe with her and I just have this intense need to keep her safe and happy at all times. it's what she deserves." I can feel myself smile and a wave of red covers my cheeks. 

"do you think she feels the same? About us I mean." (Moon is acting different. he's never this interested in something) "Well I think that if the world deems us as worthy of loving anything. then things will work out like we want! I do have a question for you Moony" 

"what is it?" I run my fingers threw y/n's hair. "why are you so interested in how I feel about her and her just in general? I don't mean to be nosey or rude but, you have never been this interested in something. especially a human! it always seemed like you really never cared for adult humans. so why now?" 

"I'm not actually too sure myself. that's why I've been asking you so many questions. I think we see the same in her. you know... about her caring about who we are beyond the metal and code. I want to keep her safe too." 

"I'm glad we are on the same page Moony" I smile again for Moon and continue our silence as he watches y/n along with me.


{pov y/n} 

I blinked, opening my eyes slowly while I started to sit up in bed. I was a little confused for a moment about where I was before I remembered I stayed the night with the boys. speaking of which, neither of them were to be found in the room so I stood up while rubbing away the sleep from my eyes. I walk out of the room and to the balcony. the lights were on so I called for Sun "Sunny! Where are you!" I heard some bells jingling. alerting me that Sun was coming to me. "good morning sunshine! Did you need anything?" (ANOTHER NICKNAME) I felt my face flush all over. "i-i uh- good morning to you too Sunny!" (oh god I stuttered so hard) "How exactly do I get down from here haha" I laugh in nervousness from the current and previous situation.

"oh of course! ill get you down whenever you're ready for me too!" I nodded my head and walked back into the tower to get ready for the day. I felt just a little awkward changing in their bedroom but I brushed it off and got the rest of my things situated before I walked back onto the balcony. "hey Sun! I'm ready to come down now!" Sun skips over and uses the wire to get to the balcony. he wraps his arm around my waist and I hold onto him as well. "here we go!" and he jumps straight off the tower. I closed my eyes tight. (even if I'm not that scared of heights, it's so scary to me to just jump straight off a building!) "Are you okay sunshine?" I open my eyes to see a worried Sun looking at me. his face was so close (gosh his face is so cute)

~solar love~ (Sun/Moon x female reader)Where stories live. Discover now