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(A/N: This chapter can disturb some viewers who are sensitive too..


-abusive relations

-indications of assault of many forms


so please read at your own risk. there will be a summarized version at the end...)


when I had locked the door I went to sit down on my couch and read this mysterious paper. when I flipped it over though. my heart sank. I started shaking immediately. (that. handwriting.) It was all too familiar. (How..) I looked at the paper which ended up being a note...

Dear y/n.

I can't believe you thought moving was going to stop me from finding you. I didn't know you were so incompetent to think that something as silly as moving would stop me from finding you if the attempted restraining order wasn't evidence enough. anyway you know I have connections and soon I will find out where you work. at the end of all of this stupid bullshit. you will be moving back in with me. you know you can never make it out there on your own. you know you need me so stop pretending you are anything more than just an accessory to me. you know I love you y/n. I don't understand why you can't see that? and you know you love me too. so just accept it by now.

you know who this is y/n.

the tears started to well up in my eyes. "No. no no, please. this can't be happening."

(Back story- you (y/n) had a previous relationship with someone. her name was Lily. 3 years. 3 years of constant abuse. she would verbally, physically, and at some points... sexually. would abuse you. One day it was just too much for you and you broke up with her. That was the toughest fight you have ever started. ever since the breakup Lily has been harassing you and at one point you tried getting a restraining order over her but she just had too much power. she was a very well-liked person in your hometown and got whatever she wanted at the drop of a hat. so the order was never made. so, you decided to move to a completely different city without telling anyone other than your family that you were leaving. of course, they understood why. but even then. it didn't work.)

my chest became heavy. I couldn't breathe. (oh no) I was having another PTSD episode. (I need my meds) I try scrambling my way to my nightstand where my medication is. though I was never able to make it there before I collapsed to the floor from shaking. I lay on the floor in a puddle of my silent tears for an hour. I couldn't move. my head was completely blurry. 

once I had calmed down enough to get up off the floor I walked over to my medication and popped two pills. I then sat on my bed and put my hands to my face. "Nothing. nothing I have done has stopped her. what am I going to do now that she knows where I live? And soon. She will know where I work." I start to tear up a bit. 

I got off my bed, changed into my pj's, and went to bed without eating. I just didn't have the appetite anymore.


I woke up to my alarm and stretched. I got up from my bed and started to get ready for the day. As I was grabbing my keys off the table when I saw the note again. I stopped moving. I was frozen. (no no not again.) I was able to snap myself out of my trance and run to my medication. again taking two and shoving the pill bottle into my bag and the note into the trash. 

I was about to walk out the door when I remembered I promised Sun I would spend the night tonight and I needed my charger and clothes! "SHIT" I ran and quickly got some things packed. I don't even know what all I put in there. all I know is that I have a clean pair of work clothes, pajamas, and my charger. as long as I have those things I should be fine!

when walking out of my apartment I could feel the anxiety whelming up inside of me. (Is she out here? right now?) I start to think as I walk to my car and lock it. I drove to work with goosebumps all over me. (Maybe I'm being dramatic..) 

I make it to work at about 7:15 which is a good time since I wanted to help Sun out with preparations for today. I walk in and walk to the daycare doors and before I open them I take a deep breath. (I got this.) I pushed open the doors and to my surprise, the lights were off. (hmm) I walk in and shout for Moon as the doors close behind me and the room becomes completely dark besides the glow from the ceiling stars. "Moon! Are you here?" when I had shouted I heard a loud thump from behind me. I turned around in shock but it was just Moon. "Well, good morning Moon!" he just looked at me for a moment. "What's wrong," he spoke abruptly, stopping the silence. it caught me off guard.

"W-what do you mean?" "I mean what I said. What's wrong." Silence again. "I'm fine Moon! Nothing is the matter." I turned around trying to walk away when Moon placed his hand on my shoulder and turned me around again. "Don't lie to me. I know there's something wrong. Your heart rate is elevated and you have goosebumps everywhere. What's wrong." he was so sturn but I really didn't think telling him what was going on was really something he should be worrying about. again he is just a co-worker. "Oh, it's just because you fell from behind me! It startled me you know?" I laugh hoping that he believes me. 

he glares at me for a moment before he looks at the extra bag I was carrying. "whats that." he points to it. "Oh, this! I promised Sun we would have a sleepover tonight. Plus what better way to get to know your coworkers than a sleepover!" Moon then looks at me. "Coworkers? does that mean I'm invited?" he said with a bit of gravel in his voice. "Well of course Moon! Why wouldn't you be!" After I spoke Moon just stood there for a moment. "Well, Sun won't be too happy haha~" This time he had even more gravel to his voice before he walked off.

"wait wait what do you mean by that?!" I say as I chase after him


(Summary: You have an abusive ex who is stalking you and wrote you that note telling you that they know where you live and that they will eventually find out where you work. afterward, you went to work and found not Sun. but Moon to greet you this morning)

A/N: Oh no.. lily is coming for you. what is going to happen now? and Moon knew something was wrong. was the excuse believable? 

~solar love~ (Sun/Moon x female reader)जहाँ कहानियाँ रहती हैं। अभी खोजें