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"Hello stranger

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"Hello stranger." Sloane chirped.

Diana glared at Luther as Sloane held him upside down. Ben stormed forward, kicking him in the head, knocking him out. He backed away, and turned to Diana.

"Take him to the Academy."

Diana grumbled under her breath as she did so. "Please, Diana. Thank you, Diana. You're my favorite sister, Diana."

Diana brought him into a small infirmary, telling Grace that he needed his head tended to. She went to walk out, but stopped, turning to look at Grace.

"Thank you." She whispered.

Grace smiled at her, and went back to tending to Luther.

Diana would never admit this, and even though she called the long haired Umbrella a perv, Grace was like a mother figure to her. She had one, but she didn't see her as her mother. After all, what kind of mother just gives up her child?


After a while, the infirmary door slammed open and Luther walked out with a mop.

"Please. Sit." Fei smiled. "You must be starving."

Luther cautiously walked over to the table. He sat down across from Diana, and smiled awkwardly as he looked at the girl. If he was being honest, Diana scared him. I mean, yeah, he was five times Diana's size, and could crush her with his hand, but Diana could control the shadows. She could control darkness, and her eyes turned black. How could he not be scared of the girl?

"Uh, no I shouldn't—is that cashew butter?" He asking, getting distracted.

Sloane smiled at him. "Cashew butter, almond butter, sunflower butter, tahini, Brazil nut."

"Wow. You know what? I am feeling a little bit...peckish."

Alphonso looked up at him. "Help yourself."

Diana watched him carefully as he started getting food. Why was he acting so...stupid? What was his goal here? Didn't he know why he was here?

Luther kept glancing between Diana and Ben, making both uncomfortable.

"So, we know your Number One, but we haven't been formally introduced yet." Ben smiled, trying to make it seem genuine. "I'm Ben. Number Two."

"It is so nice to see you again, buddy." Luther smiled.

Ben's fake smile became tight as he glared at Luther. "Why does everyone keep looking at me like that?"

Luther looked back up, confusion taking over his features. "Because you've been...dead for fifteen years?"

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