Fights, Fights And More Fights

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Diana walked with Jayme and Alphonso into the store, her hands shoved into her pockets

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Diana walked with Jayme and Alphonso into the store, her hands shoved into her pockets.

She had her head down, and stood behind Jayme was she shuffled through different snacks. Diana looked up quickly though when she heard a loud bang.

She looked up and saw the Umbrella knock into a display of milk. The milk splattered everywhere, and Diana hurried over.

"What the hell is going on?" She demanded, her eyes flashing.

"Oh great," the Umbrella groaned, struggling to sit up. "you brought the freak."

Alphonso stomped forward, trying to stomp on the Umbrella, but failed. Every time the Umbrella hit Alphonso, he hissed in pain.

The Umbrella stood up, and did a spin kick towards Alphonso, kicking him in the face, knocking off a chunk of his chin.

The fighting stopped, and the Umbrella looked at him in disgusted disbelief.

"Dude, your chin."

"It does that sometimes."

The paused for one more moment, before fighting again.

Diana, tides of this, collected the shadows, and carelessly flicked them at him, making the Umbrella stop as the shadows tightened painfully around the Umbrella.

"Stanley, no!"

The first knife hit Diana, and the second knife sliced Alphonso's leg, and in result, sliced the kids.

The kid fell to the ground, groaning in pain. Alphonso looked up, glaring between the Umbrella, who was gasping for air, and the kid.

"You getting how this works yet?"

"That's my kid, Asshole!" He gasped out.

The Umbrella started on Alphonso again, kicking his inhaler out of his hand. Jayme finally walked over, and got ready to spit her goo on them, but the kid held up a pan, blocking it.

The started throwing cans, and Diana blocked them with her shadow wall.

"Are you done?" She asked boredly.

They looked at her, getting ready to throw more cans, but Diana was too fast, and she flicked shadows at the kid, bringing her hand so her palm was facing her, and curled her fingers.

The kid froze, his eyes clouding over, and his breathing picked up.

"Stanley." The Umbrella said, moving to rest his hands on the kids shoulders. "Stanley, come on!"

Diana tilted her head, tightening her fingers, making the kid cry out in fear.

The Umbrella looked up at Diana quickly, then back at the kid.

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