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Trevor pov

It's been over a week now since I last had a one on one encounter with the stupid intern. I was glad though because I did not like how he pulled my strings making me boil at my pits. And no it wasn't passion. Or maybe it was passionate hatred. I couldn't help but wonder what he was coming up with. It was eight at night. All employees were out as there was no night shift today. My dad insisted on leaving Sundays out of work days. To honor the Almighty and such.I had some work to finish off.

The knob turns and a figure walks in. I wasn't expecting anyone so I raised my head immediately. It's not like I had many enemies. Not like I had none either. But this place was guarded and the only reason I raised my head was out of curiosity. Who was it that had to be at work at this hour. Of course my question was answered by the man greeting me.

"I gave you enough time to compose yourself." He says making his way to the chair.

I roll my eyes.

"I'll get you to leave!" I almost yell.

"No you won't pup. You would have done that long ago if you wanted to."

I made a mental note to remember to have a serious conversation with myself as to why I did not make that call.

Actually I did and commended his work because the boy was pretty good at his work. No. I'm not talking about him pissing me off.

"Now are you gonna answer me or do I need to force the answer out of you."

That wasn't a question. It was a statement telling me that I had to do what he asked.

I shake my head in frustration.

"Hell no! I'm not discussing Any non work related thing with you"

"Yes you are." That was a demand . I know because ive used that tone several times.

"No I'm not." It takes two to tango.

If he could use that tone. I could too.

"Have you ever been in a relationship?"

I laugh at the statement .

" I like how you think we're close. "I reply.

" But we will be soon enough. "

Huh. Jokes on him.

" No way I'm discussing my personal life with mere intern. "

" Well this mere intern is gonna be your daddy. "

I shriek then laugh. When I looked at his face I  realized he was so damn serious.

"So what are you going to marry my mom?" I teased

I see a frown on his face. I grin in satisfaction.

He goes to say something but seems to think better of it. He only sighs.

"I'll need to teach you some manners pup."He says brushing his hand in his hair.

Wh-what?! Tea... Teach who some manners. Oh I know my manners and I know you don't just go to people demanding answers or invading their space.

I throw him a cold stare.

" To hell with your manners! Are you like my mom now? "I snuff throwing my head back to glare at him some more.

" No but by the looks of it seems like you need one. " It was not till I saw his expression change that I knew what I did. Oh shit.

" Gab... Look" I start but he doesn't look at me.

I pick myself from the chair and leave.

I was done.

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