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Trevor's pov

Oh shit. Shit. Shit. Shit.
I had called unto him but he simply ignored me. Like literally. If you asked me I would say that a switch had been flipped on his side. His expression changed but I could not bring myself to understand what it was.

I called on his secretary to ask about his whereabouts. Don't ask where I got her number. We talk. Why was I looking for him? It was my fault. Also I was worried.

Dona told me that he would be at a club nearby. If not I should take my heels to his home. At least it wont be hard to find him.

I took a fifteen minute ride to club Blue Kiss. Weird name for a fancy club I thought. Stepping inside I cursed.

Right after stating that finding him was not going to be hard I get this. A club full of people. Loud music so I could not think of shouting his name. Stairways which led to two upper floors. Who knew he could be on the first banging on some girl. That thought made me shiver slightly. I was not the possessive type but he was mine. Him being in another person's arms would surely make me commit first hand murder .

My thoughts are drawn back as I see a small crowd starting to form. My curiosity drew me to the people to see what was brewing.

The sight before me literally broke my heart. My boy seated on the floor. Looking around fear stricken in those green eyes. I push everyone aside and squat before him.

"Hey baby." I say calmly. He didn't seem drunk. He was drugged. Now I was sure getting arrested but right after I make sure he's okay.

He turns his eyes to me putting his arms before him. Reaching out to me.

"I'm here now." I mutter slowly taking him into my arms. "It's okay now. ' I whisper stroking his hair.

" Home. "He says holding on tightly to me.
" Me wanna go home."His voice...

My eyes widen as I pull his back a little to have a clear view of his face.

I could tell that he was getting upset. Tears welled in his eyes.
"Go home..." He insisted his voice still childlike.

I swallow hard and close my eyes. It wasn't really happening or was it.

He soon begins to let out little sobs tugging at my shirt. I bring him close to my body and carry him outside to the taxis packed on the other side. I did not mind the looks we were getting.

Throughout the ride Gabby was sobbing. I tried my best to calm him down. It didn't work.

Getting to my apartment I place him on the bed.

"Hot... Me is hot.." he whimpers.
"Shhh it's okay. I'll take care of you" I mumbled close to his ears.

I didn't know what he was given but it was a fucking club what else could I expect. Some paracetamol?

I take a basin of water then wipe his whole body after undressing him. Later on I clothe him in some pajamas and give him two pills. Those would calm him down. I was not ready for a hot passionate session with him only for him to hate me the next day.

I tuck him in bed and as I was going to stand he hold me shirt tugging me.

"Sleep?" His cute eyes looking up at me.

"Yes you are going to sleep." I reply softly not to scare him.

"Noooo" he shakes his head. "You me sleep ."

My heart melts upon realizing that he was asking me to sleep with him. I don't hesitate on changing as I got into bed.He snuggles in closer to me.

"Goodnight baby." I whisper.

I had replied softly even now as I didn't want to scare him.
Being a daddy and a Dom I understood that being a little and a sub were two different things.

And right now my baby was a little. And he needed a daddy.

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