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Nyx's pov


My mom's sweet voice sounded through the silence of the early morning.

I groaned and slid my hand gingerly across my bed in search of my phone. I grabbed it and pressed the on button.

The blaring light glared into my eyes. I squinted as my eyes adjusted to the brightness and checked the time.

It's five in the morning.

I sat up and stared into the dark nothingness of my room. The early morning drowsiness lousing around in my body.

"Nyx Raven Sinclair get your lazy ass here right now." she had shouted again. This time louder, voice no longer sweet but instead it sounded like that of a beast.

I cringed as she had called my full government name.

I grabbed my bonnet that somehow left my head and decided to protect my feet instead of my hair.

I put it on my head and scurried downstairs where I knew mom was waiting for me.

"Good morning to you too mother, lovely weather today." A yawn sounded from me as I entered the kitchen where mom was cooking up a meal.

"Wipe down the tables will you dear?" Her voice had returned to that sweet tone as she asked the question. But I knew it wasn't a question. It was a demand.

I grabbed the wiping cloth from the countertop and headed to the smooth mahogany tables.

My mom owned a small cafe. The only one on the street so it was pretty popular. 

She managed it on her on. Sometimes I wonder if it's too much for her on her own.

She was a single mother managing two children. I could imagine how it tough it must be.

It wasn't the same after Dad's passing, but we made do.

Her business is great, and my brother Zane and I help her out where help is needed. Speaking of Zane.

"Mom where is Zane?" I asked the question that has been playing in my head.

"That boy is always out and about." she had responded. "He said that he wants to start a business and he is meeting a possible client or something like that."

"At five in the morning?" 

"He said, and I quote, 'The early bird gets the money and the late bird eats dirt.' " she said with a chuckle.

That's not even the saying.

My brother is a special case as I like to call him. He is willing and full of ideas but he has no talent or business skills whatsoever. When offered help he'd insist on being independent. I almost feel sorry for him.

Speak of the devil or in this case my brother and he shall appear.

The sound of the bell sounded through the empty cafe as my brother entered the front door.

"Hey, what are you wearing?" He laughed as he looked at me.

I scowled at him as I looked down at my clothing. "What's wrong with my outfit?" I asked defensively as I placed a hand on my hip standing proudly. "This is fashion."

He seemed to laugh even more at that and even mom let out a chuckle. I looked at her betrayed and looked down at my outfit again. I thought it was cute.

I wore a bright yellow spongebob shirt with some pink barbie pajama bottoms and my orange bonnet on my head. Granted I was just sleeping but still.

This is fashion, they don't know what they're talking about.

"If that is fashion then I must be Zac Efron." was his stupid ass reply. His ugly ass could never be Zac Efron.

Before I could make a genius retort and completely roast him, mom spoke.

"Stop fighting and sweep the floors." She didn't tell anyone specifically so...

Zane and I looked at each other and quickly touched our nose.

"Haha, I did it first you gotta sweep." I cheered as I pointed a finger at Zane.

"No you didn't, you cheated." he huffed as he tried to think of more excuses. 

"Just admit it, I won." I crossed my arms as I declared victory.

"Yeah well I'm older so you gotta do it." I looked at him stupid. "You're only older than me by ten minutes dumbo."

Yup that's right. We were twins. Not identical twins though, oh no. We were fraternal twins. I was of average height with my dark skin and curly black hair that reached my mid back. I had a plumpish body that I absolutely adore.

Meanwhile, wanna be older brother is tall with a sharp jawline and grey eyes that he got from father . His skin was a bit lighter than mine and he also had curly hair that reaches his shoulders that he often puts in a bun. 

I'm way better looking, though Zane will disagree. He probs just jealous.

"Stop fighting, Zane you sweep as Nyx already wiped the tables."

I looked at his defeated frame and did a silent laugh as I went to help out mom in the kitchen.

Soon it was time to open. I headed back to our home upstairs and got ready for the day ahead.


The day had passed by in a whish and we began closing up the cafe. I quickly took the mail from the mailbox and locked the doors behind me as I headed back inside.

I ascended the stairs and met my mom and Zane sat at the living room watching tv.

"Mail." is all I said as I handed them to her and laid on the couch opposite of her, scrolling on my phone.

"They're mostly bills, oh wait, this one is for you Nyx." mom said as he handed the letter to me confused. I was just as confused as she was.

The letter had a vintage look to it and was sealed with a stamp of melted wax.

I carefully opened the envelope as I read over the continents.

"What is it?" Zane questioned as he took the letter from my hands.

I sat frozen, the words of the letter still floating through my mind.

'Hello Ms. Sinclair,
                  we are pleased to announce that you have met the requirements that we need to accept you as a student. Therefore, you have been accepted to the Aldmoor's Prestigious Collage. We would like you to come as soon as possible to get accustomed to the school. We do hope you enjoy your stay. 

From, Admoor's University.'


Accepted to Aldmoor's?




"Is this a dream?"


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