Chapter 4

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Ava's Pov

Felix arrived at my room, dressed very nicely in a blue sweater and black pants promptly at six o'clock. He didn't even laugh at me when I asked who it was through the locked door, as if locks could keep a hungry vampire out.

He offered his arm and I took it. Eager to get out of the castle for the last night of my human life. . The walk out in the Italian air was nice and comfortable. No need for a jacket or coat.

"What foods do you think you'll miss most little one?"

"Pancakes and Sausage for breakfast," I replied immediately, "Lasagna for dinner, my grandmothers recipe."

"Were you close to your grandmother?" Felix asked.

"No, she died before I was old enough but I inherited her cookbooks. She lived in Forks, Washington near my father. That was the hardest thing about coming to Voltera was knowing I was going to hurt Charlie, my dad. I think as long as he believes I'm dead it will be the best thing. If he wasn't convinced he would search for me for the rest of his lifetime."

"You died very convincingly my dear. The rental car went over a ridge and caught fire. There was no way for your body to be discovered. Don't fret about that sort of thing, making people disappear is very easy for vampires."

"What else do you think you'll miss?"

"Sleep, I think I'll miss being able to sleep."

"I missed that for a while as well. Though it has been so long now that the memories have faded and I don't remember what was so good about getting a night of sleep."

The restaurant we walked to was not too upscale for me to feel comfortable but was a place where you were expected to dress up. We walked in and the waiter asked for our reservation I thought we were going to be turned away, but Felix surprised me by saying, "Voltouri, party of two."

The waiter bowed to us and quickly showed us to a secluded table out of the normal traffic pattern.

"This is where we normally do business dinners with humans so they know us here."

"Why would you ever schedule a business dinner?" I asked.

"Sometimes it is necessary, they know how to prepare wine for us so that we can drink it here. Would you like to try a glass of regular wine with your dinner tonight Bella,"

"I think I would," I said with a smile.

"You know there are a lot of good sides about being with us. I know you came to protect those you love, or would have loved, but there are many advantages to being one of us."

"What do you enjoy most, Felix," I asked curiously.

"Running. It's exhilarating to be able to run from here to Florence. We do that quite regularly as a group. When the initial wildness has passed you'll be able to come with us."

"What else do you like?" I asked hesitantly.

"I like the feeling of family that the elite guard shares."

"I think I would like that too. I've never had a large family, and I had no brothers or sisters."

"Welcome, Here are your menus, can I get you anything to drink while you're looking?" the waiter asked in very accented English.

"I'd like a glass of B-wine, and Ava would like your normal house wine." Felix said.

"Right away," the waiter said and left us to look over the menus.

"Would you like lasagna for your dinner, Ava?"

"Thank you Felix, yes, I would."

He looked at the menu quickly and sat it back on the table, I did the same with mine.

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