Chapter 10

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Ava's Pov

When the Cullens were brought in I felt like I was vibrating with anger. Alice and Jasper came in first followed by Edward. He was followed by Esme and Carlisle, then Emmett and Rosalie.

I could tell Alice's eyes were unfocused. She was apparently trying to get a vision Jasper had to lead her into the room. Edward just looked confused I was sure he hadn't had many opportunities to have it so quiet in his head.

"Greetings, young ones, I find I am most disappointed in your coven. Oh my dear friend Carlisle, how sorry I am to see you here before me."

"I was unaware there was a problem Aro. We have broken no laws." Carlisle lied smoothly.

"Didn't I order young Ava Swans change? Yet she is not with you. Where have you left her."

"Ava decided she didn't want to change." Carlisle said

I stepped out from behind Demetri, unable to remain silent. "Liar." I called at him and all the Cullens gasped in surprise.

"Ah, newborns, so very temperamental, don't you agree." Aro said calmly.

"You would have had them kill me Carlisle, how dare you say I didn't want to change. You abandoned me with two vampires chasing me. You, who called me daughter."

"Ava!" Emmett called running to pull me into one of his hugs. I just let him come. He bounced off my shield and hit the opposite wall sliding down insensible."

Esme started sobbing into Carlisle's shoulder the rest just stared at me as if they had seen a ghost.

"Do you have anything else to say to our guests young one."

"You are all liars. The only one I have the least bit of respect for is Rosalie. At least she didn't pretend that I was part of her family and then abandon me. Jasper I don't blame you for trying to nip at me on my birthday, but you left with all of them knowing that I would be killed. Alice, you lied every time you called me your sister. Edward you lied every time you told me you loved me, every time you told me you'd stay with me, every time you let your family treat me like I was one of you. Carlisle I've lost every bit of respect I once had for you. You're nothing but a filthy liar and you deserve no leniency. Esme you lied every time you called me your daughter. Emmett, you lied every time you called me sister. It was all of your duties to see that I was changed as the Volturi commanded yet you abandoned me like yesterdays garbage. You are worthless, wastes of space that have no place mixing with humans or pretending to be humane."

Finally Edward found his voice. "Ava, you're here. They've turned you against us. You can come home with us now. My love, my mate, I tried to spare you this life."

"Oh shut up Edward and quit trying to save your own ass." I said.

There were chuckles around the room at this.

"I have a mate, so you lied about that too. You are not my mate, my Demetri is."

All the Cullens gasped in shock. Then Edward spoke again. "They've manufactured the bond Ava, you belong with me, to me, you are mine."

"Masters," I asked calmly, "what is the penalty for trying to come between mates."

All the Cullens gasped again but Edward was still approaching me.

"Please Ava come home with us. We love you."

I couldn't help it I started laughing. "You don't know the meaning of the word love Edward. You only know ownership and control."

Aro spoke up, "Ava, the penalty is death. Remove Felix's shield.

I looked at Felix and nodded. Aro looked at me then he nodded.

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