Chapter 9

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Ava's Pov

The day the Cullens were to arrive dawned and I was a nervous wreck. The situation wasn't helped by knowing Demetri would be leaving after the confrontation. Demetri noticed my distraction and rubbed my back soothingly.

"It will all be okay." Demetri soothed. "I'll be back as soon as possible and the Cullens won't be any trouble."

"I wonder if Jane will get drunk with me while you are gone cause this is going to suck." I complained.

"If Jane won't I bet Felix and Alec will. They're always looking for an excuse." Demetri comforted. "You haven't had the chance to get to know the rest of the elite guards very well, this will give you the chance to do that. I know it isn't what you want. It isn't what I want either but between working on sparring and your shield, getting more comfortable feeding, and getting to know the others I bet you'll barely miss me.

The tone of Demetri's voice concerned me. "Demetri I bet I still miss you when you're gone a hundred years from now."

"Sorry Ava, I guess I'm nervous about this separation too. I'm afraid you won't need me as much when the others are doing things for you."

"Even when I can take care of myself I'll still need and want you, Demetri."

"Are you ready to go practice my little love?" Demetri asked with a smile on his face.

"Why can't we just stay in bed today until the Cullens come? I want you all to myself."

"Because we're guard, Ava, and we have to be the best we can possibly be."

"Okay, but I like my idea better. I love you Demetri,"

The practice room was already busy and we got in and got right to work.

"Felix, you're in charge of Ava's training while I'm gone. Reneta, you're in charge of her shield practice."

Both nodded with a short "Yes, Master," before going back to their own endeavors.

"Jane?" I asked when she was between sparring sessions, "Will you help me feed and clean up while Demetri is gone?"

"Of course Ava, don't worry. We've all got you. We'll take care of you while Demetri can't."

"Ava," Demetri called, "You're sparring with me today."

Demetri waited till I was ready for him and he came for me. I'll never be afraid of my mate but when he lunged I could barely see him. The only thing that saved me is that I knew he was lunging at me and I was ready when his fist appeared, going towards my head. I blocked blow after blow and kick after kick but all I could do was block. We were moving way too fast for me to be able to punch or kick at him. Eventually he swept my legs out from under me and I fell to the ground with his teeth at my throat. He kissed where my pulse once beat and said, "Ok, Ava, now I know what we need to work on."

The next time he lunged at me he was slower, his movements more visible, and it was easier to jump that leg when he swept the floor. I struck out, trying to hit him but he was never where I thought he would be. Never where I expected him and never ever in striking distance. Getting frustrated, as I jumped another leg sweep I put my shield around me and watched him.

"Good job Ava, I was wondering how long it was going to take you to get frustrated enough to do that." He tried to penetrate the bubble, but there were no seams, no openings, no thin spots.

"Now relax Ava, put your shield away." he coached.

I took deep breaths. I relaxed my tense shoulders. I remembered that I wanted him to be able to get to me and just like that the bubble popped.

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