Chapter 6

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Ava's Pov

I was covered in blood by the time I finished my first feeding. I must look like a horror movie reject by now but I looked around for Demetri to find him on one of the blood covered ceiling beams, balancing himself and looking down on the destruction I had caused. How had I managed to get blood all the way up there?

"I guess I could have done better," I called to him.

"You did perfectly fine." Demetri reassured me. "Im impressed you didn't rip the bodies apart with your new strength. You did well."

I smiled in delight. Demetri was proud of me. I jumped up to him on the beam, balancing effortlessly. "Do you need to feed now?"

"Do you think you could control yourself while I did?"

"I think so, I mean, I'm very full, even a little sloshy. You could show me how it's supposed to be done."

"Very well."

I brought my meal out of one of the other cells. I knocked him out cold in case Ava came charging in trying to take him from me but she just squatted up high and watched intently. I bit into his neck and drained him quickly.

"That is enough for me for a while. You did extraordinary not trying to fight me for my meal. I'm very proud of you, now lets go get you cleaned up.

"I just told myself that it wasn't food and I didn't eat it." I said calmly.

"You are a wonder to behold my mate."

I jumped down beside Demetri and he took my bloody hand in his, laying a kiss on the knuckles.

"Can I get cleaned up now? I'm covered in blood." I asked.

"Of course, right down this way we have showers for just such and occasion."

When we got to the door of the showers a smiling Jane was waiting outside the door. "I'll take her in here Master Demetri,"

I was secretly relieved. I wasn't ready for Demetri to see me naked yet. "Thank you Jane." I told her as Jane got the shower's water temperature adjusted.

"Go ahead, rip of that dress and get under the water." Jane instructed.

I tried to take the dress off but the fabric ripped in my fingers. I didn't worry about it, I just let it rip and climbed under the startlingly warm shower spray. It felt so good, so refreshing, so right that I didn't question it. I ended up squirting shampoo to the end of the shower and Jane ended up pouring some shampoo in my hand. She repeated the actions with the conditioner.

Jane helped me dry off and dried my hair for me. We styled it up and Jane helped me into some of my clothing The bra was too small now and the jeans a little too tight. I would need new clothing soon. By this time I was getting edgy. I wanted to see my Demetri again.

"It's okay Ava," Jane smirked at me, "Demetri is waiting on the other side of the door. Hurry now and go to him. I'm just going to clean up a bit in here."

I didn't ask twice. I couldn't wait to see Demetri again I rushed out the door and I was left finding myself in Demetri's arms. His head lowered quickly and my lips were locked with his. We stood there for seconds, or it could have been hours. It was our first kiss. It was our first intimate touch. It was everything I could have hoped for.

When we broke apart I was breathless and so was he.

"Let me show you to your new rooms, my Ava." Demetri said.

"Where do I live now?" I asked hesitantly.

"With me, my mate," Demetri clarified. Guiding me back up the stairs and quickly to the second floor and into his room. It was beautiful. Done in earth tones it was easy and comfortable to go sit down on the couch.

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