Friends with Kids

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One Week Later
December 13th; 2023
Taylor Swift's Point of View
Today is my 34th birthday which is another milestone getting me closer to being a mom. Pregnancy tends to be divided into trimesters and people count each week but I keep counting down the moments of my life. When I learned I was pregnant I told myself there's no need to worry right now, you'll be fine. You'll be 34 when the baby comes so as long as you're 33, you'll be okay. God I wish I had some Xanax. As excited as I am to meet my baby, I'm terrified as hell. At least it's not 2024 yet. The baby is due then and as long as it's 2023, I'll be okay. But being 13 weeks pregnant also means I'm officially in my second trimester.

Every year for my birthday I throw a huge party that tends to be Christmas oriented. I didn't want to become suspicious so I still hosted my party. I made sure the menu would be safe for my pregnancy so I wouldn't end up in another...incident. I also don't want my bump to be conspicuous so my outfit consists of baggy sequin pants, an off-the-shoulder black top, and an oversized black blazer. I've worn a similar outfit before. I asked my stylist if she could get the previous one for me but she said no since it was done four years ago and I asked on such short notice. She recreated the look as best as she could and I'm very happy with the results. My stylist, direct family, 13 Management, Selena, Travis, and Beth are the only people who know. Oh, and Grace. I had to tell my stylist because I needed her to be picking outfits for me that hid my pregnancy.

Travis and Grace are coming to my party. If I were to be honest I didn't want to invite Grace but it felt like the right thing to do. Who knows how long she'll be around? I might as well try to make friends with her. If not, learn how to be indifferent. I don't know why but she pisses me off so much. She's a great person. She's amazing but her face is so punchable. I asked Travis, Selena, and Grace to show up early to help me plan.

"Guys, I can't drink but people are gonna try and shove a drink in my hand every 12 seconds." All of us are grouped up in a circle away from all the caterers and bartenders.

"So, what's the plan?" Selena asks.

"Mocktails but I also don't want the bartenders to be suspicious. So I need one of you to get them for me."

"I don't want them to be suspicious of me," Selena adds.

"I need the drinks to be given to someone no one cares about so no one notices the order or it being transferred. I mean this in the kindest way possible Grace, no one cares about you."

"None taken. I teach 2nd grade in Kansas City. I make like 60 grand a year. This is the coolest thing I have ever done! I took sick days to go to your birthday party." I didn't want her to come yet she's more excited than a dog with the zoomies.

"Do you get paid on sick days?" I ask.

"Well, no."

"I'll pay you to be my mocktail assistant." I sigh realizing this girl will be losing her shit around a bunch of celebrities she's never met.

"Really? Thank you!" Grace thanked me by giving me a large hug. I feel like this woman is too happy. Is that possible? For a girl to have too much energy and positivity?

"Okay, now let's celebrate." I smile and start to walk away with Selena. "Also, part of me hopes you have a one-night stand tonight and get pregnant. I want you to feel my pain. What you did to me." I tell her.

"Not my fault you had sex." She laughs and I roll my eyes.

• • •

I hold my mocktail in my hands as I talk to Gigi and Martha. The night has been going well and I've been able to let my guard down. I've been taking photos, sharing stories, and telling jokes. People have been asking why I haven't been too active lately when it seems like all I do is work. I told them how do you know I haven't been doing anything? I haven't been doing much but it leaves enough room for people to believe I've been doing something behind the scenes. 

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