What to Expect when You're Expecting

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Two Weeks Later
January 9th; 2024
Taylor Swift's Point of View
17 weeks. I'm about four months pregnant and almost halfway done. Pregnancy symptoms are catching up to me and my least favorites are the way my feet have started to swell and the pain on the sides of my stomach. I vomited this morning and yesterday and I'm fearing my morning sickness is making a return. I have no fever, cough, or any other symptoms of a sickness. I've started to struggle with sleep and constant fatigue. Dealing with these symptoms and knowing it's going to get worse is scaring me.
Today I was putting on some jeans and I couldn't zip them up. I went into my bathroom and saw the way my hips were disappearing. I've gained 6.7 pounds since the beginning of my pregnancy. (3kg) I'm on track for my weight gain. I'm doing it exactly as I should at the exact pace but it kills me every single day. The average person may not notice a seven-pound difference but I sure as hell will.

I'm spending a few days at Travis's mansion in Kansas City. The Chiefs advanced to the playoffs and I promised him I'd go to his first game. He wants me to see him play just in case they get eliminated. I talked to my team about it and I'm going to be sitting a couple of rows back in the box rather than the front.  My face makeup will be adjusted and I'm going up a size on the baggy sweatshirt. I'll be wearing heel boots even though I'll hate it. I need to pass for someone who isn't knocked up.

"Tay, what do you want for lunch?" Travis asks as he walks into the kitchen.

"I would normally want a kale salad but baby wants mac and cheese."

"So which one?"

"Mac and cheese. The kind from Panera Bread!" I exclaim excitedly. Panera Bread is an American chain that has bakery-café style foods. Soups, sandwiches, croissants, etc. I personally live for their mac and cheese.

"Dude, the closest Panera is over 30 minutes away. They won't deliver." Most people refer to the restaurant as Panera. It's just easier.

"Then go pick it up." Does this man think I'm not going to get my Panera one way or another?

"Why can't Nadine do that?" He whines.

"Nadine is in New York."

"I'm not going to drive an hour to get you Panera. I can make you some Kraft Mac and Cheese." He takes a box of Kraft from the cabinet and shows it to me. "Is this okay?"

I get up from the couch and take the box from his hand. "Yeah, sure. This is fine."


I open the box and start to hand it to him. I turn the box upside down so all the pasta falls on the floor. "Oops."

"Was that really necessary?" He sighs looking at the floor.

"Pro tip: Do what I ask you to do and when I want. Even if you don't understand, just fucking do it."

"That doesn't seem fair."

I take a deep breath and exhale for an eternity. "Travis, I have been pregnant for 17 weeks and it's been the most uncomfortable time and it's only going to get worse. I've been throwing up, and crying for no reason, 38 jars of peanut butter have been solely consumed by me, I'm running out of clothes to wear, I keep breaking out, and I want to drink alcohol but I can't. I can add more to that list but what I want right now is Panera because maybe that will make me feel better for five damn minutes." Maybe I left out the part that I'm desperately in love with him and it kills me every second of the day that I can't have him.

"I'll go get the keys." Travis sighs.

"Another tip: At least pretend you want to do it because now I sorta feel bad."

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