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Three Weeks Later
February 11th; 2025
Taylor Swift's Point of View
I thought being with Travis, my life could never be bad again. Sure there would be some rough times. Like the one time, we were fighting over whether Viola was ready for solids or not. That was one chaotic fight. I was still happy though because I had Travis. I had a life I was content with and wanted to be in. Travis has gone out of his way to make my life a living hell. He's angry and I can't begin to imagine his pain but he's shutting everyone out and taking it out on me. He doesn't watch football or even want to look at his own daughter. She'll cry and I'll ask him to hold her or change her but he rarely contributes. I understand the fact I have to help take care of more Viola due to his recovery but this isn't that. He's in pain and Viola and I are suffering the consequences. He's giving up and I don't know how to help him. Every day he lays around with the light dying in his eyes.

Two weeks after his surgery, Travis got a call from Coach Reid. He wanted to meet with us in person so we did. He informed us that Travis was to be waived from the Kansas City Chiefs. This meant that they were cutting him from Kansas City but he could be claimed by other teams. By the time Travis would be able to even think about playing again, his contract would be over. After looking at how severe his injury was they would have no interest in renewing the contract. He was put on what they call a waiver wire and was able to be claimed the day after the Super Bowl. The day after the Super Bowl came...He wasn't claimed or signed onto another team. He's now a free agent but no one wants him. He is being forced into retirement. He took a career-ending injury.

I walk up to Travis who is resting on the couch. He's drinking coffee black and sitting with his thoughts. "I need to make dinner. Can you please hold Viola?" I have her against my hip and she's just babbling.

"Can't you do both?" He asks.

"I'm exhausted. I'm barely sleeping and you aren't helping out very much. Can you please hold her for 20 minutes?" I beg.

"Just put her down for a nap or something."

"I'd be messing up her schedule so please just hold her." The patience I have is running thin.

"You take care of it."

"Hold your damn daughter!" I yell. I plop Viola in his lap so he's forced to hold her and storm into the kitchen.

"Okay! Jesus! Calm down!" He scoffs and wraps his arms around Viola. I put my hands on the kitchen counter and tightly close my eyes. "If you're going to cry, please do it somewhere else." He sighs.

"No. It's fine." I swallow my pride and move on to making dinner. I've been making simple 20-minute meals lately to keep up with my schedule. I throw some rigatoni pasta into boiling water while I make some homemade alfredo spinach sauce. I love cooking and I like to call myself a decent cook. Baking is where I'm really good though.

After finishing up dinner I set the table and made a couple of bowls of pasta for Travis and me. I got a small bowl for Viola and cut up the noodles in advance. She still eats puréed food but we're introducing her to solids. "Dinner is ready," I say as I grab Viola from his lap. I placed her in her highchair at the table and put a bib on her. 

All three of us sit at the table and Travis and I remain silent. Viola reaches down and stuffs pasta in her mouth with her hands. I put my elbows on the table and smile looking at her. "She's so funny," I comment. Travis ignores me and continues to eat.

"Dee Bee." Vi randomly says. Toddlers babble the most random things.

"Grandma Dee Dee isn't here," I respond.

"Bo." She takes some of her pasta and drops it on the floor. Rambo immediately eats it up and she squeals.

"ViVi, don't feed Bo."

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